rambles about finished work and inspirations

Feb 19, 2012 03:05

2:25 AM 2/19/2012

Today started off very productive from the beginning of the day.
Last night I had stopped in the middle of working on a commissioned painting, and was excited to get started. I knew that if I shuffled into the living room to check my email I would have gotten stuck online and the daily mundane activities and not done art till evening. - SO, I moved the computer to my side room where I have a smaller internal studio (versus the larger external and public studio downtown.) I quickly checked my online correspondences, careful not to fall into the pit of useless information, and got to work on finishing the SWAMP THING. XD Its a portrait, at 11" x 14" , and I seriously think this is one of my best paintings. I will post it when I am allowed to (It was commissioned as a gift for someone, and until that someone gets it, I don't want to post it publically)
Thank the gods of inspiration for helping me along!
I need to keep this drive up, it feels good.

I also worked on the next tarot (Hierophant) - the drawing is almost finished but I want to sleep on the idea, incase I want to add anything in the morning.
And by the way, how come the most BASIC of human poses cannot be found when I want them to be found! Thank goodness for living with someone who can fix this problem. ... among other
advantages. ;)

A good portion of the day was dedicated to setting up meeting times with other artists at the
Stutz - I promised I would contribute a blog for the stutz, and I have landed on the idea of
featuring Artist studios. I am quite excited to get started, this will give me a chance to talk with fellow stutz artists on a deeper level than just passing chit-chat. I'll make sure to link these postings to my blog when they happen.

-INSPIRATIONS for the day -

From the minds of director Darren Lynn Bousman and writer/actor Terrance Zdunich ... another
mind blowing creation on its way... The Devils Carnival! -
See the Trailer:
Now I am compelled to do more canivalesque characters. Since my 'Stage III" work, I have wanted to do this, and now its more potent. I also read back through Terrance's blog, and I love his expressions, and the things he talks about. One post in particular about the strange people he attracts, and conversations with random intense people on the street. Bizarre encounters, and the variety of the human spirit...
Needless to say I am inspired.

- Mundane stuff -
Finally, at 3:00 pm, D and I ate breakfast and watched more Warehouse 13!
Yes, our eating schedule is ... its own beast. Especially on weekends.
And boy it was a tasty breakfast - pan cooked potatos, onion, celery and green pepper, and mini ham and cheese omlettes. we both commented on how we are overjoyed that we havn't had any McDonalds in several months and how we vow never to eat there again (although that rule may not hold true and fast while traveling to conventions)

- SPOTIFY is fascinating and ... very convenient by the way! I love discovering new stuff. Today D made a playlist for us: "Saturday Art and Magic and Music to Inspire Art and Magic"

rambling, inspirations

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