Mar 25, 2007 21:10
Friday was awesome. We got to Trauma and everything, and it was all goods. Played lotsa DDR and actually danced once or twice. I also got to tease Aimee lots over a certian scantily-clad woman.
Then saturday was Nat Quals for Congress. There are a lot of different words that could be used to describe how it went. Good is not one of them. I really don't want to talk about it, so I'll just say that I made a joke of something that I really shouldn't have, and now I am, without doubt, the most hated person on the team by a longshot (not that I wasn't already - just more so now than before). State is going to be hell, and I almost don't want to try hard at Nat Quals this coming weekend for fear that I might do well and qualify (which, given current circumstances, would not be a good thing).
I saw two movies last night: 300 and Borat. I was originally hoping to see 300 with Silver... and my plans have not changed at all! My only complaint about the movie was the amount of topless women (but hey, it's Sparta!). The story to it is a lot like hydrogen: it's so thin it's easy to forget about, but it makes for some nice action! The whole movie is really just 300 Spartans fighting wave after wave of the demonic Persians. It really seemed more like a video game with the shameless amounts of gratuitous violence, and I'm not complaining! Borat is just freaking hilarious, as long as you don't expect it to be the least bit politically correct.
Today I worked at hooking up the DVD burner I got from my bro. I thought I'd set it up so I got the optimal performance out of my 4 drives - I'm now getting reduced performance out of only 3. For some reason, my main hard drive is recognized by my motherboard as the slave, even though there's no master, so I'm getting sharply decreased forformance. Haven't tried burning anything yet, but at least it's a ton quieter than my CD burner. Now I've just gotta get the drivers, since it was an OEM drive.
Today was really nice. I had to do some work for my dad, but either he tried not to make it hell for me or I just took it really well. I also started at Round Table, which was neat. Got the hang of things at least well enough to not have to pester the manager every three seconds. I wanna take a phone order with a Borat impression sometime.