so's this sunday is easter...i tried to find 2 movies that fully embodied what easter meant to me...and i think i found 2 movies that embody the spirit of imaginary superheroes thwarting evil...
first up
the spirit
sure, the script is a bit cheesy...sure, it's riddled with one liners...but visually, it's friggin awesome, eva mendes and scarlet johansen are fucking hot (specially johansen in nazi, sam jackson steals EVERY fucking scene he's in, and it really works as a spoof of noir good, is fun, and goes great with your favorite adult beverage...
second movie
x-men origins - wolverine
yeah, so it's a work print, but, honestly, this movie is like 85% done...some special effects aren't done, some wires are visible....other than that, it's finished, the story, the characters...they're there...
the spirit starts at 8...after aprox a 20 minute intermission, we'll start wolverine around 10...
last time was a blast..let's make this one better, eh?...
btw, i already have the next sunday double feature planned...and it's gonna be 2 awesome action flicks....oooooh yeah!!...