
May 10, 2007 07:48

My god it's been so long since I blogged I don't even know where to begin.  Well I do update my knitting blog at least...Well lets see, Justin and I are kicking around ideas for our future since he gets out of the army in the next year. His last day before terminal leave should be his birthday. I'm just worried about the future. We both want to go back to school and finish our degrees. However we also have to live on something and we're both used to being comfortably middle class by now so its sort of a quandary.  Oh and we want to buy our first home since well yeah its that time. So cheap cost of living, jobs, and schools. We have some possibilities of options. I am fairly certain I can get my old job at back and maybe get him a job there too and depending on which schedule we were on, that would allow us to go to school and live decently. But there are other options as well. So I am in the twilight of my hausfrauerie. I have loved being a housewife, I'd love to continue but I probably won't be able to. I guess we should also try and fit kids in there somewhere since I am also facing the declining years of my fertility. So really all this is making me terrified. Also things for Justin at work are fairly stressful for both of us. Just to continue on my "this sucks" vein, my grandmother is well, as she puts it because she is very aware of what is happening to her, 'losing her mind' I live 300 miles away and its not that easy for me to get away since we have only the honda and Justin needs me right now so all I can do is be there for my mom who is the one who takes care of her and make her socks. She loves my socks. Oh and lastly but not leastly believe me this is the most personally painful on the least (which just proves I'm a self-centered asshole most likely) I was working on a project and it well lets just say I suffered a disappointment. I'm trying not to be bitter but its hard. On the one hand I am quite pleased to not be as stressed since I suddenly have way more free time. On the other hand it hurts. I know it was a good idea and that has been more than proven. So that's all I'm going to whine about that. In more pleasing news... I have read/listened to over 50 books this year. I am hoping to break last years record. However I am going to try to break that record before November since then I'll be busy with the move.
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