And the asshat of the year award goes to...

Jul 07, 2006 02:25

the man who wrote this in a review of a pet training book:

I noticed a reviewer who mentioned that maybe they'll apply "Cesar's Way" to their children - "exercise, discipline, affection, in that order." Rather than using the devices of a dog trainer, I'd recommend "Unconditional Parenting" by Alfie Kohn. He cites the research that shows the damage caused by behavioral methods of child-rearing. I don't know if there can be "unconditional dog-raising," but I wonder sometimes why/how pet ownership has become such a common practice (is it another variety of successful marketing, like diamonds). I mean, it's nice that people find companionship and all of that with their dogs. I've enjoyed that sort of thing; but increasingly, I wonder if maybe all the time and money and attention we put into these animals wouldn't be better spent on, say, working on protecting/restoring the environment. We spend more on dog food than we do on food aid to Africa.
Sometimes I wonder if our pet ownership isn't a giant distraction from reality that allows us to avoid the collective dump our society is taking on the carpet of the global living room.

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