My morning so far...

Nov 17, 2010 08:08

::groans, blinks, coughs::

::blows disgusting amount of congestion out of nose::

::props self up to sleep some more::


::wakes up again, debates teh wisdom of getting up versus staying in bed longer::

::bladder calls for cloture::

::step, step, squish::

Oh, shit, what has the toilet done this time? Thank gods I didn't have the space heater turned on. I've had just about enough out of... huh? The carpet is dry here... the whole area around the toilet is dry... did the humidifier leak? No... Shit, the washing machine!

::goes around corner to laundry room, beholds water spraying from the reverse osmosis drinking water system that is supposedly not hooked up to (or at least not doing) anything::

triadruid?" Louder. "
triadruid? You still here?"

From upstairs. "What's the matter?"

"We got a problem!"

And so it is that yet again the usefulness of having a housemate with weird hours is proved, because it happens that I have today off anyway (probably would have called in to work what with the cold, but I wasn't scheduled) and so neither of them has to miss work to stay home and say "Hi!" to the plumbers.

Oh, and I did at least figure out where the shut off valve for that particular piece of equipment is, so we no longer have water still spraying everywhere.


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