Feb 16, 2009 23:19
So I created a new character and it took some details to figure out why he is introduced the way he is. The most awesome part of this development is that it helped me decide which kingdom was the big instigator of the land wars and oppression, etcetera.
I'm writing out his introduction now. To heck with my current plan of trying to map it out before writing. I think I'll write what bits I have now and put it together like a puzzle. I have about five or six introductions so far and a few major scenes planned out so hopefully I'll have more.
I still need names. I think I'm going to put in some place holding names because my current method of [Ww] for names is a little awkward to read. Good ol' babynames.com to the rescue :)
So, hopefully later tonight I'll have something. I was gonna watch a movie with Zuriel in a bit, but we'll see what I come up with in the meantime.
***update 2/17***
So I have a good portion written, but I think I'm going to rewrite a good bulk of what I already have because I think I'd like it to progress much differently.
For this part, as an explanation, it's the fire mage from the water kingdom, and it's when he and the other three discover his powers. He's going to be in prison for arson (which he didn't start, but happened to be nearby and thusly is accused -- actually it was him but he just doesn't know it yet ;P) when the building catches fire. The water mage helps him escape from the building as well as some others, and then, since he's close to her, and I think it's going to have to do with emotions of one or the other, possibly even both(the water mage is going to be angry at someone, he's going to be afraid for his life because the captain of the guard wants to execute him for crimes against the crown).
Anyway, I just need to rethink the scene in my mind. I'll try to have something tonight.