CR Listing

Feb 15, 2010 14:26

If I've forgotten someone, drop me a comment and let me know!

fyi_iamaspy: Oh, that dashing rogue! Iris may not know what he looks like under that balaclava, but she's got a little crush on him all the same, especially after he escorted her through the forest during the powers event.

pacifisting: Iris lived in the hostel briefly until Euphemia shanked her during the powers event--Iris tried to calm her down when she was going after the Japanese. Iris has since moved out and has yet to reconcile with her.

invisibly: Collars. Iris likes him and is glad to see another Canadian, and is open to believing that he really is her home country.

defensenvrrests: Her employer at Les Beans. Iris wants to get to know her better and consideres Mia to be her first friend on the island.

fowltempered: Artemis amuses her, but she's a little disconcerted by that sneaking feeling she has that he's much smarter than she is. He's said she reminds him of his mother.

expensivefurs: Iris really likes Bridget; she finds it relaxing to spend time with another woman of her time period. She hopes to be seeing a lot more of her in the future.

shiro_megane: Iris's first collar partner, and thus she will ever be grateful to him for his help. She'd like to get to know him sometime out of the bedroom.

mizunosenshi: Iris developed feelings for her during the Valentine's Day curse. When Iris isn't in magical love with her, she likes and respects Ami and views her as a valuable resource for advice about the island.

thatkindofguy: She's vaguely creeped out of him, mainly because his office is in a bathroom. Still hasn't cottoned on to the fact that he's Paul's lover, bless her sheltered 1936 sensibilities.

fuminoriii: Saya ate her during the powers event. However, Iris has no reason to make the link between TENTACLED DOOM MONSTER and the cute little girl she sees on the network sometimes, and thus has offered to teach Saya to play bridge.

greatest_pirate: Collars. Iris was charmed by Johnny's considerate demeanor towards her and interaction with him has made her think that perhaps sex with non-Alex people needn't be unpleasant.

chrgin_my_sword: OH, TRAVIS. Iris, coming from the pre-Internet era, doesn't really know what trolling is. No wonder Travis has fun with her on the network. She intends to invite him over for a milkshake sometime, but as far as she knows it's purely culinary in nature.

goodwith_wood: Iris's employer at the Casino and not-so-secret crush. She genuinely likes Paul, and she agrees with his ideals. However, the speed at which she found herself charmed by him suggests that she's also latched onto him mentally as a surrogate Alex.

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