Aug 02, 2006 12:46
well...just when I though that little fuck daniel was out of my life he pops up trying to fuck with my relationship....what a loser. just cause no one loves him doesnt give him the right to take my love away. he's so pathetic I really should have listened to christel all those times she told me to leave his punk ass. ha Im such a fool for staying with him and believing that he actually gave a fuck about me. I was seriously gunna hurt him last night...I was fucking pumped and ready to go but I had no way of getting there and my brass knuckles were at home. ah well im over it now but next time he trys to pull some shit like that again im gunna fuck him up. n my man went to joeys house yesterday after I got off work cause I needed to get some pot or something to chill out cause I had just heard what dan tried to pull on me anyways there was a bunch of people there and I was just in my own world trying to come up with diffrent ways to fuck that little pussy bitch up and this chick was all talking to me trying to get things out of my head which kinda pissed me off cause its none of her buisness but whatever so I smoked and drank a bit with my booboo then I went to joeys room and listend to music...cause it was the only thing that could really get everything out of me...I was fucking pissed. Then my hunny walked into the room and we talked and stuff and he told me that he really loves me no matter what I do even if the shit danny said was or wasnt true he still loved me and that he hasnt even looked at another girl that way since we've been together and it made me tear up and shit UGH I love him soo fucking much. Hes fucking AMAZING I really could care less what anyone thinks of me or him or both of us at this point cause he loves me and I love him and thats allI need. And hopefully hes not as stupid as whats his face to believe everything that everyone says about me or about us cause thats just an obstacle we have to go through eventually they'll stop talking shit....just like christel and julian when they first started dating people would talk shit and call christel a whore but julian would never listen to that shit if someone talked like that about his girl he woulf fucking turn his back on the assholes who did and wouldnt hear shit from them again even if it was one of his "friends" honestly friends are what get people in trouble...christel is my best friend in the world and my only friend everyone else is just an aquaintance. Christel cares about me just as much as I care about her and I know she wouldnt hurt me unless I hurt her which I would never do. Anyways Im getting kinda carried away and I lost my place but yeah point blank JOE IS MINE try to fuck that up and I WILL fuck you up....good day