An update

Apr 07, 2007 01:31

I realize it has been awhile since I updated. This is in part because I have had so much of nothing to say. If I was to describe how much has gone on in my life in the last few months I suppose this wouldn't make a bit of sense. Fact is, I don't much care.

Right now my bedroom window is open for the first time in months. The night air is refreshing and makes me long to be camping. The sound of frogs is nice. However, the reptitive coughing from one of my neighbors is reminding me why I elect to have my window closed a majority of the time. I turned on Loreena McKennit to softly drown out the 'people noise.'

My horoscope tonight remotely amused me:

"Although you try to remain confident, you continue to become more aware of feelings that you may have been hiding from yourself. Perhaps you remember something that happened during your childhood or maybe someone else shares a deep secret with you. Either way, you may feel more vulnerable now that Mars is moving through your 8th House of Intimacy. Don't push away the uncomfortable emotions, for they can be a catalyst to your current growth."

That explains a lot in a nutshell. I've spent a good portion of this year in review. It's been good for me, realizing what I value in my life. The only thing that remains frustrating and a bit invigorating is that I have so much to do! There is so much left of who I want to be and how I want to grow. Deliciously frustrating.... but oh, how I love a challenge.

I may elect to update with something of substance later.... but I make no guarantees. I love you all dearly...
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