Nov 24, 2006 06:35

First of all, if you need a little more HDD space, and you've got ~$80 cash, you can get yourself a 200 gig hard drive for "$20" after rebates and coupons here.

If you take advantage of that deal (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!!!1!!1), REMEMBER TO PUT IN THE COUPON CODE (75812) WHEN PROMPTED DURING CHECKOUT. If you don't, you'll have to call up the Staples help line at 1 800 378 2753 and be very, very nice to the soon-to-be-overworked support call staff, like I did XD

So, yeah, that out of the way... had a promotion where they did a first-come, first-serve grab on 1000 Xbox 360 Core systems for $100 a pop (normally $300).'s website, at the appointed time, was, quite literally, raped.

No one I know who tried this deal got one; in fact, I don't think any of them ever got the page to /load/ before all the consoles were sold out. It took me 9 minutes to load the page. I've heard of it taking up to 16-20 minutes for some people.

There are so many things I could say about this, but you might end up hearing about it on internet news site in the future. Suffice it to say that Amazon just pissed off a lot of users by making things first-come, first-serve, and then failing to have servers that could handle the demand.

And now we come to point number three: stores raising prices and calling it a sale :D
This is just a personal gripe of mine; there were two games I wanted to purchase, PGR3 for the 360 and Company of Heroes for the PC. On Wednesday, Best Buy was selling them for $20 a pop. Today, PGR3 is going for $29, and CoH is $50. And Best Buy is still calling it a sale! I'm... impressed at their tactics, to say the least. If only I'd ordered on Wednesday... now I don't feel like getting them anymore. In fact, I feel like burning down some buildings, watching people dance on fire.

I like fire.

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