Jul 08, 2005 12:53
1.Middle name: Alexander
2.Age: 16
3.Hometown: Was Brooklyn, NY, but is now Austin, TX
4.Eye colour: Brown
5.Height: 5'10"
6.Weight: fluctuates between 145 and 150lbs.
7.Do you chase subway doors?: only when I have to.
8.Are there any weird tricks you can do with your body?: Cross my eyes, make lots of interesting sounds, imitate nearly any voice I hear
9.Are all of your senses functioning?: Everything but my common sense
10.Any irrational fears?: Suburbs.
11.Are you afraid of the dark?: Sometimes, but not too often
12.Have you ever wet the bed?: Once, as far as I can remember
13.Have you ever fallen out of bed?: yeah, but I was half-asleep
14.Do you like yourself?: Some aspects, but for the most part, no.
15.Can you kiss your elbow?: nope.
16.Touch your nose with your tongue?: Nope.
17.Are you an optimist or a pessimist?: The glass is half full of both water and empty space.
18.Why: depends on my mental condition
19.Are you drawn to people you disagree with?: If they have other redeeming qualities, yes.
20.What’s the most you’ve ever drank in one sitting (Alcoholic or otherwise)?: four bottles of water
21.Do you read the National Enquirer?: It's crap. I barely even read the front page.
22.Have you ever been in love?: Somewhat.
23.What’s the most exotic fruit you’ve ever eaten?: Lichi Nuts
24.Do cute things gross you out?: Yes, morbidly.
25.Did you ever seriously think you were going crazy?: All the time.
26.Is there something you just can’t win at, ever?: Being the best at anything.
27.Is there something no one can beat you at?: I wish...
28.Do you give change to homeless people?: yeah.
29.Have you ever seriously considered suicide?: Almost.
30.What was the last good thing to happen to you?: I got extremely satisfied with a picture I drew.
31.What’s your fetish?: Consumer Electronics, women, and one other thing you dont want to know.
32.What’s the last thing you killed?: Possibly a frog... I ran over it when driving home one night.
33.Do people tend to like you more than you like them?: Nah, things usually balance out in my relationships.
34.When you meet someone, are you usually inclined to like them or dislike them?: Dislike. But only if they have certain qualities.
35.What’s your favourite cancelled TV show?: Everybody Loves Raymond.
36.Have you ever been to Canada?: No.
37.To Mexico?: No, but I got pretty close once.
38.Did Bill Clinton deserve to be impeached?: No, even though he was making some disagreeable choices which he is ironically trying to make up for now. But he still shouldnt have lied.
40.Are you a geometry or algebra person?: Algebra!!!
41.Do you own an Ipod?: Yep. 20gigs, baby.
42.Are you an insomniac?: Sometimes, but only if I stay up past one AM.
43.Are you type A or type B?: As in blood type? I dont know.
44.Are you “mysterious?”: hell no.
45.What’s your favourite song?: "Like Spinning Plates: Live version" by Radiohead
46.Do you crumple or fold?: Collapse completely.
47.Do/Did you do well in school?: I was real good in elementary and middle school. But once I hit 8th grade, my sucesses became limited.
48.What are you allergic to?: Dust, penicillin.
49.What’s your favourite thing about your body?: My hands.
50.Least favourite?: My lack of strength and body type.
51.Do you like your body overall?: Yes. I keep it in good condition.
52.Did you used to want to be a Vet when you grew up?: Never. I used to hate animals.
53.Do you answer personal questions on surveys honestly?: yes.
54.Does power mean a lot to you?: It corrupts, it consumes, and it doesn't make toast. So no, it doesnt.
55.What’s the most uncharacteristic thing you’ve ever done?: Picked a fight.
56.Have you ever hugged a stranger?: No.
57.Are you a bookworm?: Depends on the book.
58.Are you a “goth?”: No.
59.Do you have an eating disorder?: Nah, but I cant hold much food without getting sick.
60.Have you ever said something racist and then regretted it?: Yes.
61.What colour would you like your eyes to be?: I like them the way they are.
62.Do you sleepwalk?: No.
63.Do you do any other creepy things?: I talk with people on the internet that i've never met in person
64.Do you like money?: Like power, it corrupts, consumes, and doesnt make toast. But it's good to have.
65.Do you hang out in seedy bars?: No.
66.Have you ever done drugs?: No.
67.Do you worry people?: Not really.
68.Do you practice witchcraft?: tried and failed.
69.Do you worry about being politically correct?: Most of the time.
70.Do you like modern art?: I love it, mainly because I like figuring out what it means.
71.Has a painting ever made you cry?: No.
72.Where were you on 9/11?: Science.
73.Have you ever overdosed?: No.
74.What’s your favourite team?: The Yankees, maybe. I dont really care about that stuff though.
75.Do you pick fights?: Once, and I've regretted it forever.
76.What’s your religion?: Catholic/Agnostic
77.Have you ever been locked in a closet or bathroom?: Many times.
78.When you want to hide, where do you go?: My room, or someplace where there's no one around.
79.Hot or cold?: Hot.
80.Are you OK?: I dunno. Are YOU?
81.Do you believe in evolution?: It makes more sense than Creation, in my opinion.
82.Do you prefer TV, books or magazines?: Books and Magazines.
83.Would you travel in time to the past or future, even if you knew you could never come back?: No way. If we were intended to know the future, we would have figured out a way to get there by now.
84.Indoors or outdoors?: Outdoors, if the weather is perfect.
85.Is there anything you really want, but can’t ever have?: No.
86.Do people often call you lazy?: Never.
87.Are you a sinner?: Yes. Everyone is.
88.What’s your favourite type of cheese?: Mozzarella.
89.Do you have seasonal affective disorder?: WHAT!?
90.What’s your favourite time of day?: from 6:00PM to 10:00PM, evening.
91.Are you planning a coup?: peut-etre...
92.Where are your piercings and tattoos, if you have?: None.
93.Do you use internet slang?: Not unless i'm typing quickly, but mostly simple stuff like LOL, or LMAO or WTF?
94.Do you like sushi?: If I could, I'd live on the stuff.
95.Do you tan or just burn?: Tan. Then burn.
96.Who’s the last person you IM’ed?: probably Max or Chris.
97.Are you easily messed with?: Yes.
98.Are you taken or single?: Taken.
99.Are you really fussy about things?: No.
100. Where would you most like to be right now?: In NYC.