Well, since there seems to be a lot of Draco-love floating around my flist lately, I've decided to do a sketch of him as well to be part of my procrastination program.
Character: Draco Malfoy
Rating: PG for mild nudity
WIP: Yes
Constructive comment: yes, please...
Well, I'm quite happy with the drawing itself, especially his hair (and nipples x-D), as I seldom do such detail and clear lines for hair. Just wish that I had thought of this hairstyle for Sirius. (sorry, but I love him more x-D)
But man, he looks just like another generic slutty pretty boy! ARGH!! And not a single bit like the Draco I have in mind. ARGH!!! It's to do with the lack of sneakiness I guess...sigh.
Er, I'm shit at commenting even for my own drawing...Anyway it's still a WIP, I'll probably go back and add a shirt and pair of hands to it, so someone can strip him off properly...um, or should I just leave him complete naked? And I do planned to colour it someday, but if anyone wants to have a go with him (hehehe), just leave a comment and he's all yours^_~