Dec 20, 2009 11:20
Morning everyone, and yes, here it´s still morning. Don´t know, where you are, but here it´s 10:46 am.
Yesterday I was in the theater, watching Dickens´ Christmas Carol in German, tomorrow we´ll be in Hannover ( in the british version it´s written Hanover, right? ), watching the english version. Don´t know wether I look forward to it or not. It´s bloody freezing out there, but I love temperatures below 0°C, as long as I´m not sick. Right now I am! So ... well, let´s hope I still have all my fingers and toes when I´m back home.
What I´ll do today? Don´t know, probably enjoy the last day of freedom. Tomorrow and tuesday is school, and then christmas holidays - so endless invasion of family, I HATE it. And I have to start working on my graduation. It´s four month until the final exams, I know, but there is SO much stuff to learn and I want a good Abitur ( that´s the graduation in Germany ). So really, life as I knew stopped - or is about to stop. I´ve never learned much for exams, but I promised a special teacher - some kind of mentor to me - that I´ll try to get a good Abitur, so I have to.
At least it´s a plan. Because the first week of the holidays there is nothing else for me to do, but family stuff and before I do family stuff, I´ll do school stuff!!! And the reason for me not having anything to do on the internet is...well, because it seems like everybody else but me has a) a life and b) more than just one friend. I´m the only one who put´s all her life on just one card - kind of. I guess that is the prize you pay for being different. I WOULD love to do something with my school friends, but we don´t have anything in common but school. We don´t like the same music or movies or anything, so we can´t do anything together, because one of us wouldn´t enjoy it.
So I have to face the fact that I will be lonely and just have work to 'warm my heart' during the holidays. I know, I know, my life´s miserable, and so am I. So what? Life is shit and it´ll stay that way forever. Let´s make the best of it.
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