Fixing LiveJournal

Apr 13, 2012 14:28

For people who don't like the new lj-cut and those who enjoy messing around with CSS, a hacky fix:

I only tried this in Firefox and Chrome. Works in FF, but looks a bit lopsided in Chrome. I could not be bothered to fix it there, since I suspect the only person who ever really looks at my LJ layout is me, reading my flist. I have no IE to test with.

Add the following to your stylesheet:

.ljcut-link { color:transparent; }
.ljcut-link:before { content:"( "; color:#000000; }
.ljcut-link:after { content:" )"; color:#000000; }
.ljcut-link a { margin-left:-25px; }
25px is the amount of space "✂···" takes up in your layout's font and #000000 is replaced with your layout's normal font colour.

If you don't mind the scissors but would like the brackets, a less error-prone option is this:

.ljcut-link:before { content:"( "; }
.ljcut-link:after { content:" )"; }

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