Oct 15, 2006 16:43
It is simply their nature to remain in a permanent state of youth and nowness. Our folly of course, is not recognizing that the image they portray is in part a picture of self-indulgent propaganda.
As with all legends the imperfection of reality fades from their view. Ugliness, faults and failings seem to be the first to arrive on the chopping block. Pedestals are constructed and heroes mounted, but human beings can never survive the test of legends. How can any living being challenge one's affections of a legend? It is a foolish test to take or make, and one doomed for failure.
I do not advocate denigration of the dead. I merely suggest that one put forth an effort to recapture the humanity that is lost in nostalgic recollection of a story. Is it possible to see through the memory of a mirage? A reconstructed divine portrait that shines so brilliantly that it obscures that which actually was and is no more.
Nothing is more deceptive and more enchanting than a memory. Let us be wary of rosy remembrance, lest its perfection jade our present course.