x.Pinhead Gunpowder, the Influents, skunk, the frustrators= bands I have been listening to like crazy latley.
x.I'm more forgiving than I thought.
x.Chad is leaving. :(
1. name: Kirstän. (Keer-stin) thank you very much.
2. birthday: June second.
3. hair color: weird brown/red
4. eye color: brown
5. glasses: nope.
6. height: 5'6 1/2
7. weight: right right
8. birth place: Cuyahoga falls
9. hometown: Columbus/Worthington, Ohio
10. soda: everybody knows I love the diet coke. I always have one in my hand.
11. ice cream: Vanila cherry.
12. candy bar: milkyway midnight
13. alcoholic bev: sex on the beach, purple haze, smirnoff
14. movie: lizzie mcguire, the matrix
15. book: harry potter.
16. color: black.
17. flower: roses and lillys
18. cartoon character: teenage mutant ninga turtles
19. childhood toy: teenage mutant ninga turtles action figures.
20. band: smashing pumpkins, zwan, green day, skunk
finish the sentence.
21. if i were a monkey... bannanas
22. if you were my mom... I'd kill you
23. at night i like to...make out with you
24. one day i decided to go for a walk and on the way i saw a(n)... ZWAN
25. if i had a million dollars... I’d go to every one of zwans shows
26. thinks they know you the best: Rachel and lindsay.
27. is your best/good friend(s): I don't have one anymore.
28. do you want to be when you grow up: graphic designer
29. is your one true wish in life: to meet zwan, and I've already done it.
30. is your plan for tomorrow: don't die
31. is your plan for the next five years: have no worries, live life to the fullest
32. is your crush: someone i dont want to like anymore
33. do you think has a crush on you: nobody.
34. do you share your clothes with: no one
35. many pillows do you use: 2l
36. many people on your buddy list: 97
37. many children do you want: dont want to think abou tit.
38. do you look for in the opposite sex (or same sex depending on your prefence): everything. If i've dated you then that means I really like you, because I wont date just anybody.
39. is your idea of a perfect date: renting a movie. ;)
more favorites...
40. song: Anything by the following: smashing pumpkins, eels, zwan, get up kids, pinhead gunpoweder, ect
41. movie quote: "This is what dreams are made of"
43. article of clothing: My zwan shirts and my get up kids shirt..and my RAYS shirt.
44. radio station: I hate radio.
45. website: www.zwan.com
46. food: chicken ceasar salad!!
what do you think about...
47. yourself: You know, I've changed so much latley I dont even know. i like myself.
48. your body: ummm I am not satisfied with my body, but who is
49. your parents: ....
50. your siblings: love em
which is better:
51. vanilla or chocolate:vanilla
52. coke or pepsi: coke
53. phone or internet: both
54. aerosmith or rolling stones: rolling stones!
55. top bunk or bottom: Bottom.
57. wendys or burger king: wendys
what do you do...
58. in your spare time: music. talking to people.
59. while you are online: music. talking to people.
61. when you are having a bad day: music
62. for fun: go out with friends, music, talking
63. kind of car do you have: zlich
64. is your dream car:
http://www.yadtel.net/~sivart/zwan001.gif65. does your dream house look like: little. neat.
66. do you think about the war: I hate it.
67. would you do if you found out that today was your last day alive: Have sex with you.
do you...
69. have a b/f or g/f: of course not
70. have any tattoos: twp
71. have any peircings: nine
72. any secret fetishes you would like to share: blankets.
73. like feet: ewewew gross
74. know how to speak french: not at all
do you believe in...
75. jesus: nope…
76. hell: kinda
77. heaven: kinda
78. aliens: no
79. ghosts: eh
80. love at first sight: yea, I think almost anything is possible
when was the last time you...
81. went to the zoo: It's been too long
83. went to the doctors: last week
84. took a nap: not since I was @ school
85. ate gummy bears: today
86. hung out at the mall: it's been a while
right now you are...
87. wearing: black jeans and a zwan shirt
88. listening to: tv
89. thinking: I want you.
which do you prefer in the opposite sex (or same, depending on your prefernce)...
90. short or tall: Tall. i guess
91. long hair or short: shaggy
92. brunette or blonde: blonde.
have you ever...
93. kissed someone who had a g/f or b/f: kinda
94. gone skinny dipping: sh
95. got kicked out of a camp site:nope
96. skipped school: godwho hasnt
97. cheated on a test: duh
98. made up a s/n and messed with people online: no
99. wanted to be a tree: cant say that I ever have…