At the earliest, it's looking like ... maybe Spring of '07? For a visit, at least. To live... I really don't know. My plans, at the moment, seem to be developing in a space rather than driving toward any particular chronological goal. :) I want to see you soon though, so if it's not there, it should be somewhere else.
I would love to write more re: this entry. (Did you read the comment I left on Ted's 'snowboarding = videogames' post?) Lately, I'm really feeling some of what you're saying. But I shan't because I'm at work. I will call soon though. If for no other reason than I have to tell you about the awesome sex I had (seriously all day!) yesterday.
Hah! I was just thinking about you this morning. Specifically, I was thinking, "Nievie should add my new LiveJournal already, so that I can read hers." It never occurs to me to log into the old one anymore. :(
Ohh, I didn't mean to go and make a public spectacle out of it. Blush. Although I suppose posting about it on a public LiveJournal might lead one to believe the contrary. And he was just teasing me last night about how I was going to go and tell all my friends. D'oh. :P
I would love to write more re: this entry. (Did you read the comment I left on Ted's 'snowboarding = videogames' post?) Lately, I'm really feeling some of what you're saying. But I shan't because I'm at work. I will call soon though. If for no other reason than I have to tell you about the awesome sex I had (seriously all day!) yesterday.
Much love.
you rule
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