Voids in the Net of the Structuralist Real

Nov 29, 2005 18:18

The notion of Illusion has been misunderstood, and thus have we misunderstood misunderstanding itself.

Comment: "You need more explanation as to how it is that violence is both illusory and real, which you seem to hold." -Diane Mayer

The notion of Illusion is not identical with nor does it imply the notion of unreality. Illusion always owes its existence to a lacking of comprehension of a REAL event. As Illusion is a mode of Dasien, fundamentally distinct from any "objective" reality, any noema, any perspective from nowhere, it is clear that illusory things are not unreal things but rather uncomprehended things. It is only possible to produce illusion through the concealment of the mechanism by which the relevant event is produced. Illusion, the mode of incomplete knowledge as a comportment towards, is necessarily as real as the entities it plagues.
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