ZERO MOTIVATION: a film about a group of young women stuck at an IDF base somewhere in the dessert, to put in their two years of military service. A movie about boredom and motivation and happenstance. Cute actors. I could barely make out any Hebrew, which made me sad. There’s also a “Russian” character, and I was surprised that Eric caught on before it was made explicit in the film. Very apolitical, which in the current climate may come as a surprise, but shouldn’t. The days of ideology are mostly offer in the secular, younger portion of Israeli society. Serving in the IDF isn’t about self-sacrifice, it’s just something that has to be completed, like the SATs. And that’s just human nature. Even Iran seems to be tired of self-sacrifice these days. The revolutionary generation gives way to the more airheaded one, whose priorities are Minesweeper, not minesweeping.
Anyway, it’s on Netflix, so give it a whirl.