I accidentally took a three week break from Dreamwidth. Um, yeah, that happened.
I'm gonna go back skip=150 or so, but if anything tremendously important happened that you want me to know about, let me know.
I've been hanging out on twitter (
zviltv) and
google +. Let me know if you want an invite, I will add you next time I have some invites.
It just occurred to me today, as people have been talking about controlling people who are talking to you, that DW has built-in hooks which allow for primitive and partial /dev/null for particular users.
All comments and entries displayed in an official Dreamwidth style (i.e. not light format, not a site skin, and not poor Zesty) have a class called .poster-exampleusername, which indicates that
exampleusername is the account which posted the content.
If you'd like to prevent entries or comments from a particular poster, then you can, in specific circumstances, use CSS to block them. CSS will never affect any notification settings. CSS will never affect whether or not someone has permission to comment. CSS will not work on those occasions when the CSS file is not loaded, either because the connection between you and DW is slow and you get the page with no CSS, because you are loading DW in a style not your own, or because your CSS is normally on your browser and you are using some other browser.
The simplest implementation is to add the line: .poster-exampleusername { display: none; } to
your customer journal CSS and then go to
display settings and set both the entry view style and the journal view style to My Own Style. (Remember, you will have to re-add this CSS if you change styles.)
If you want to differentiate between someone's entries and their comments, you may want to add either .entry-wrapper or .comment-wrapper to the CSS, like so:
.entry-wrapper .poster-exampleusername {display: none}
If you only want these to apply when you are looking at a reading page or network page, and not when you go to a specific journal or entry page, use
.page-read .poster-exampleusername, .page-network .poster-exampleusername {display: none}
If you only want it to apply to a specific journal's entrie (if, for instance, someone is a jerk on a particular comm, but alright elsewhere)
.journal-examplejournal .poster-examplejournal {display: none}
Unfortunately, it does not appear that comments have a class to indicate which journal they appear in.
Also, if, instead of having someone's entries or comments disappear with no indication, you'd prefer the absence to take up space, you can use {visibility: hidden} instead of {display: none}.
Original post at Dreamwidth. Read
) comments or
reply there using
Open ID.