“Blood libel”: How language evolves and spreads within online worlds CW Anderson at
niemanjournalismlab_feed The Mama Bear's Tale (also about Palin's use of the term blood libel), by M.S. for
democracyinamerica_feed (a The Economist blog)
Flooding by
facetofcathy Why Mass Incarceration Matters: Rethinking Crisis, Decline, and Transformation in Postwar American History, MP3 of an interview of Heather Ann Thompson by Khalil G. Muhammad for the Journal of American History Podcast (gacked from
My new purse!. It treads that fine 80s' border between AMAZING and tacky.
3_ships stories were posted last week and author names have been added to
I Saw Three Ships 2010. I wrote
Twist to Fit for Amadi, which is White Collar Neal/Peter/Elizabeth. I didn't assign myself a story this year: I knew there would be a pinch hit I should (would need) to take, and I knew there was a pinch hitter who wanted to make up for dropping out last year who I could just give someone's original assignment. However, I think not having an assignment of my own to think about, so that my entire experience of the exchange was either drudge work or rushing with a deadline breathing down my neck, made this the least enjoyable round for me to date. I will not make that mistake again.
How to Not Succeed with Women someecards blog
booksontheknob_feed free or low cost ebooks. There's a lot business junk and Christian publishers keep giving random stuff away, but so does Samhain, and also they sometimes list individual authors giving stuff on Smashwords.
I feel like
resolution for public critique and
lament for oldskool first time slash are in conversation with each other, and may also be related, in part, to the dispersal of a certain section of media fandom from LiveJournal to other venues, e.g. Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Dreamwidth, etc.) But I'm not entirely sure how.
Please, please, please
ask me a question to answer on Soundcloud.
Original post at Dreamwidth. Read
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