Minimal linkspam, minimal yuletide content

Nov 22, 2010 12:52

Attention versus distraction? What that big NY Times story leaves out about how we should consider that maybe the internet doesn't so much fracture attention as it does reward focused interest and leave general, uninteresting-to-you knowledge unrewarded.

Fundraising drawing for the Carl Brandon Society. Last day to buy a ticket to win an e-reader and help a writer of color attend Clarion.

P.S. You know how sometimes you offer a fandom for Yuletide where you own all of the source but you maybe haven't really actually experienced all of the source or haven't experienced it recently enough that it's really in your working memory? And then you get matched on that very source? It's called interesting times, gentlebeings, interesting times. Because I've totally been meaning to get back to X, but now I really, really have to. But! I have actually wanted to immerse myself in X, I just now have WAY MORE URGENCY.

Thank god my phone let's me cart the source back and forth on the bus every day!

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linkspam, me, yuletide

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