you are wanted by
jjhunter at
dreamwidth_haikai What this is all about by
cleolinda I'm not telling you to panic and run around screaming (my icon aside). I'm not even telling you to flee Livejournal. I'm telling you that, in order to understand what someone will do next, and to decide what you want to do in response, you need to know what their goals are.
PSA about the "fixes" for those FB/Twitter checkboxes on LJ... by
femslash10 has had most of its posting gone up.
I wrote
From: Peggy To: Mary , which is Parker/Peggy set in Leverage. (Peggy was Alice White's new friend in the Juror Number Six Job.)
Written for me was
Soon by
miri_cleo. It's a Tara/Sophie Leverage piece, and I like it for all of the things it doesn't explain. Read and comment, please!
Original post at Dreamwidth. Read
) comments or
reply there using
Open ID.