Celebrate good times, come on!

Aug 18, 2010 10:58

So, the temporary job I've been doing since February offered me a full-time position, and I am taking it.

In celebration, I'm thinking of maybe going to Bascon. Is anyone I know going? Would I like it? Is it fun? What's the vibe?

(For comparison, I went to several Connexions, the last two Con.Txts, the last Bash at the Loft, a couple of SHarecons, Escapade twice, and Eclecticon.)

So, you know. I do like panels, but I'm not wedded to them or anything. I'm shy in unstructured situations, but I know how to hang out in the consuite and invite myself to random people's lunch and dinner plans. I like sleeping around, but have not managed to do much of same at slash cons. (This is undoubtedly connected to the aforementioned shyness. Also, my complete inability to tell when women are interested in sleeping with me unless they do things like say, "I would like to have sex with you," or touch my butt.

Also, what other cons should I go to in the next year? I feel like (a) I want to put in my requests for leave now and (b) I want to buy tickets way in advance.

On my radar:

1) That one in King of Prussia
2) That one in Las Vegas
3) Mediawest (I feel like every media fan should go there at least once, just to see.)
4) Shore Leave

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fandom, flistwankenobi, me

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