psummertime: A Psummer of Psych
danah boyd's posted about two papers I want to delve into:
Sexting: Youth Practices & Legal Implications and
Risky Behaviors and Online Safety: A 2010 Literature Review Noises off: Sense and sensitivity to criticism A critic gives a mixed-negative review of Leslie Jordan's one man show, and Leslie Jordan proceeds to be an asshat over the queerosphere. The Guardian uses this as a jumping off place to talk about how artists and critics should be able to interact over art, but doesn't get very far in its musings.
A Dose Of Reality: My Exclusive Interview With Biggest Loser Finalist, Kai Hibbard link is to part 3 of 3.
kaizoku posted some
lovely June Icons for
And it's always a good time to read
(The Customer Is) Not Always Right Original post at Dreamwidth. Read
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