Give me one character and I will tell you:
1. OTP for them.
2. Runner-up pairing.
3. Honorable mention(s).
4. Crack pairing(s).
5. Ship everyone else seems to like, but I don't.
I have kicked both Human Target and Caprica far to the curb.
Human Target has really severe pacing problems; they do not know how to tell a story over the course of forty-five minutes so that something interesting is happening plotwise or characterwise at all times, and so the audience gets information before they need it without necessarily being told that they are getting necessary information. In addition, the lack of female characters is a problem (although Emmanuelle Vaugier's character in this week's episode may turn out be a continuing antagonist, it wasn't at all clear to me.) And Christopher Chance is only about 60% as cute as the showrunners think he is, and Chi McBride is not being given enough of substance to do.
Caprica managed to do icky sexual things to a Centurion, show us Mr. Graystone doing his job while Dr. Graystone was a negligent mother, have even more thorough pacing problems than Human Target, and be an unrelenting downer. In the first fifteen minutes. (LaT and I switched to yesterday's Project Runway on demand and really enjoyed ourselves. Project Runway has made a triumph return to form.)
I've figured out that, in addition to the race and gender issues I was having, the problem with Ron Moore's style of storytelling is that he believes that relentless dourness is enough. This is false. It needs to be leavened with active, dramatic tension or with humor or with warmth and gentleness. Might also take extended violence or big scariness. In the two hours and 15 minutes I watched (without commercials, call it 100 minutes), the only moment of dramatic tension was the opening sequence where it looked like a young girl was going to be pulled up on stage and murdered at holographic Club Doom. For everything else, including a train explosion and an assassination, the build up was done so quickly or obliquely there was no time for tension. Ron Moore's emotional levels are too damn flat, and I'm done.
Original post at Dreamwidth. Read
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