Hey, Yulie.

Nov 10, 2009 20:16

So, gentlebeing, thanks for writing a story for me. I totally appreciate that you're working on something with me in my mind.

You may have noticed a theme to three-quarters of my selections: i.e. black people are awesome; women are awesome. I really don't want a story about a white guy, unless it's the stylish evil of Valmont.

Other than that, let my old challenge letters be your guide, and use your imagination. And again, thanks.

My Requests:

RequestFandom1: Dangerous Liaisons (movie)

RequestFandomChar1: Meurteuil/Valmont

RequestDetail1: What I love here is the stylish, unashamed villainy. I would love Merteuil seducing Cecile or Valmont seducing Danceney. It would be a lot of fun to see Meurteuil and Valmont working together to seduce a couple. This year, I'm not really interested in seeing them punish each other. I want to see them while their villainy is triumphant, before the fall. (This could include them just seducing each other, that very first time, if you want. It would be lolarious to have Valmont thinking he's going to have to work at seducing that paragon of virtue, Merteuil, while she's plotting out ways to seduce him!)

RequestFandom2: Leverage (tv)

RequestFandomChar2: Alec Hardison/Eliot Spencer/Parker

RequestDetail2: I totally ship the three of them together, but if you want to write gen about the 'kids' doing a job, or mocking Mommy Sophie and Daddy Nate, or just driving each other crazy with their own brands of crazy, I'd love it. What I love about Leverage is the humor in it, the sense of constructed family, and the way the characters are really competent at the things they do. If you don't do threesomes, Alec/Eliot or Alec/Parker is fine; I'm not that big on Eliot/Parker. Also, I'd prefer the story not focus on Nate or his alcoholism.

RequestFandom3: NCIS Los Angeles

RequestFandomChar3: Sam Hanna

RequestDetail3: Most of what we know about Sam is through the lens of the SEAls or G. I'd love some Sam/G slash, but I'm even more interested in finding out what makes Sam tick outside of the Navy and Callan. If you want to do some gen interactions with Kensi, Hetty, Mace, or Leon, that'd be cool. Gen or slash with Dominic or Eric would be great, too. And I would not be upset if exploring his background led to original characters in the form of family or old friends.

RequestFandom4: The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency (tv)

RequestFandomChar4: Mma Grace Makutsi /Mma Precious Ramotswe

RequestDetail4: I love, love, love the community-mindedness and focus on good outcomes for everyone of Mma Ramotswe, and I love Mma Makutsi's stiff-necked correctness. But most of all, I love the friendship between these two women, and the community Mma Ramotswe creates around herself. I would not say no to femslash, but I'm way more interested in emotional intensity than porn in this fandom.

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dear challenge writer, leverage, ncis - los angeles, yuletide

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