Dog Whistles and Insults ETA II

Jul 31, 2007 19:04

To clarify: I did not mean to imply that people who take offense at my honkies icon are wrong to take offense or that their offense is illegitimate. People are perfectly within their rights to be mad, and I encourage them to tell me and the rest of fandom that they are mad and exactly why; the solution to speech with which one disagrees is more speech. I wanted to explain why I was continuing to use it, knowing that by doing so I am offending some people, not to tell those people they couldn't be mad at me or were crazy to understand the icon as me insulting all white people. I am sorry that I was unclear on that point and hurt people's feelings because of it.

People disagreeing with me

anonymous (Speaking of anonymous, please sign anonymous comments. You don't have to use your real name or your real pseud, but I would like to be able to tell which anonymous I'm speaking to.)




I am sure there are more, but I have a really busy personal situation and may not have time to read it before this weekend. I am trying to make sure that I unscreen anonymous comments, but that's about all the attention I can promise to the situation. I am, however, thinking about the honkies icon issue, because of what the people above said. If you have something you want to say to me (or fandom in general) about it, link me in the comments to this post and don't expect a reply before the weekend.

P.S. Thank you, daily deviant mods.

fandom, race, me, apology

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