Нет повести печальнее?

Mar 11, 2016 22:18

Немного Шекспира с тумблеровской ленты.

Мальволио в новой глобусовской постановке "Двенадцатой ночи".

Еще фото тут.

Вариации на тему известных строк из финала "Ромео и Джульетты" (прошу прощения у френдов, которые не читают на английском). Особенно про "Гамлета" хорошо. :D

Romeo and Juliet: For never was a story of more woe/ Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

Julius Caesar: For never was a story of more blood and guts/ Than this of Rome and her Julius.

Othello: For never was a story with more calling an innocent lady a ho/ Than this of Desdemona and her Othello

Macbeth: For never was a story of more death/ Than this of Lord and Lady Macbeth.

Titus Andronicus: For never was a story more ludicrous/ Than this of Titus Andronicus

Richard III: For never was a story of less chill/ Than this of Richard and those he killed

King Lear: For never was a story more weird/ Than this of three girls and their dad, King Lear

Antony and Cleopatra: For never was a story of dying in more agony/ Than this of Cleopatra and her Antony

Coriolanus: For never was a story of more gayness/ Than this of Aufidius and his Coriolanus

Hamlet: For never was a story more overblown/ Than this of Prince Hamlet and the Danish throne.

хи-хи, ссылки, Уильям Шекспир, театр

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