My Monster Report - GACKT in Munich, 22nd July 2010

Jul 25, 2010 05:50

I promised an epic report from Munich/Gackt, so... here it comes >.<

*listening to Are You Fried Chickenz CD*

I already wrote here about how we got our tickets and it definitely wasn't the only struggle on our way to ogle Gackt & His Magnum.

Click only if you really mean it. I might go back to edit this entry later.


The day before we were scheduled to leave for Munich, I found out I lost my ID card. >_> If I hadn't noticed, I could return home without even entering Germany. Since I had no idea where I lost it, I decided to go apply for another one before my train left at 1pm. Lots of time, right? If you don't go to sleep after 4AM that is. orz So I got my almost four hours of sleep, set off for the municipal office (brb, being happy I can finally drive) to find out I actually can't apply for another because I didn't have one of xyz documents needed with me. So I wasted precious hours being unproductive just to realize I don't have enough time to do things like.... pack and eat, lol. I didn't want to steal the car again and leave it at the railway station, which is exactly what I had to do to make it on time, oh well.

Anyway, I safely made it to the train, bumped into a friend I used to play chess with and haven't seen in four years and then the next station deusssexmachina boarded the train. The ride from here was entirely too hot, uneventful and we ran out of vodka too soon. Until some random station in Germany where we were kicked out of the direct train to Munich and instructed to get on another one. Uhm, okay, we had no idea why, but it happens, right? We boarded the other train only to realize it was going in.... the opposite direction. But we were tipsy just right and it was the train we were sent to after all and it's not like we could get off at that point anyway, so we didn't think much of it. We were happily chatting and laughing away in our compartment until some three random old jeezers came. And flashed us a badge demanding our ID cards/passports (which made me happy about actually noticing my ID card was missing and taking a passport instead). One of them left with them immediately, while the others asked if we had any drugs or weapons. Uhm. No? At this point, it looked like they wanted to rob us or something D: they weren't even wearing uniforms. My friend asked for the badge again (I don't speak a word of German and they decided to ignore my request to communicate in English), but it's not like we know what it's supposed to look like. Anyway, obviously they didn't exactly like us, so they checked our baggage. And I mean CHECKED our baggage. Like, the guy examined every single chewing gum I had and opened every piece of cosmetics >.> apparently he has never seen a corset before, because he was like.. "ew, what's that, an underwear? :O and that hair is FAKE (extensions)!" sorry, I don't want to hear your comments on everything, just get on with it. Clearly they also had some equipment on them that could check if we already took drugs before, but in the end didn't use it. After they were done with us, they got off the train at the next station, which means they checked us ONLY. Ngl, with the Shengen agreement in practice I didn't expect that and it totally ruined our mood. Not mentioning the zipper on my suitcase breaking (I totally expected my suitcase to explode ever since then) and that at this station the train decided to go in the opposite direction AGAIN. Finally heading for Munich, only more than an hour later. Which meant we would arrive to Munich after midnight (after 12 hours on the train) and of course we had no idea about how public transport works there at night. In the end, and here is where the reality gap happened: we. Arrived. On. Time. The train even looked the same, making us wonder if all of that even happened, lol. And no, this long way round wasn't on the train schedule. It's beyond me.

I was pleasantly surprised by Munich public transport. It was great and we had no problems getting to places at any given time. Somehow it happened we had no idea which stop is the closest to our hotel, we only knew which bus to take, so we asked the driver and he was nice enough to notify us when we arrived. Next was checking in to our hotel. Which we had booked for two nights. To find out they only knew about ONE night and the receptionist is too incompetent to tell us if they have a free room for the next night >.> so we had this lovely image of us touring Munich with all our baggage looking for a place to stay instead of waiting for the concert and meeting people we made plans with. Nice. We were told to check back in the morning. Oh, did I mention the room had no internet (we had to pay extra for that) and aircon yet? Let me tell you it was effing hot. On the train, outside, in the room, EVERYWHERE. In the morning, in the afternoon, at night, ALWAYS. Anyway, after opening all windows possible, we decided to go for a walk. There was a nice church around, so we went to check it out. After getting there, just when deusssexmachina was reaching for her camera... the lights turned off making it impossible to see anything. And we almost broke a pair of swings right after that, lol. Basically (with deusssexmachina constantly loosing and finding things - such as our train tickets), everything that could go wrong did go wrong :D after getting back to the hotel, we had a fangirly moments watching the YFC DVD and everything was good again.


Too hot to sleep. Too hot to breathe. Weird noises which could be interpreted as the hotel staff getting ready to kick us out. But then we found out we can actually stay for another day (and pay way more than we would for the original booking) and fell asleep again :D to wake up at 2pm when we wanted to be at the venue by 5pm at the latest, uhm. The door opened at 5:30 and the show itself was supposed to start at 7. No city touring before the con. After all, the two us are rather high maintenance girls :D after few hours of getting ready, grabbing a bite at Subway and a bit of getting lost, wandering around not having a clue how to get to the club, and then bumping into and following a bunch of people who were also heading there, we arrived at about... 6.

The Concert

We only recognized the entrance to the venue by heaps and heaps of bottles which people were forbidden to take in. We went in and didn't bother to get goods before the show (the goods stand was right next to the cloakroom, so it was really crowded and it was nearly impossible to tell which line goes where), we went to claim a good spot instead. The venue wasn't big, but we wanted to get up front. We started at around 10th row on the left and ended in about 5th row in the very middle. We were standing there for an hour until the show started a bit after 7, chatting with people around, and maaaaan, now I understand why it's called "Yellow Fried ChickenZ". The spotlights (yellow light) were aimed at the audience effectively frying us like chicken. We practically melted. My fake eyelashes fell off during the show and all of my make up was gone. Anyway, at that point, people weren't pushing forward but it was so incredibly hot few people fainted before the show even started. And the music >.< there was one piano melody playing over and over and over and OVER again, I was worried that after the concert the song stuck in my head would be this one.

The "Gackt Secretary" had his little speech (don't you even think about fainting you motherfuckers), people were screaming, the heat was almost unbearable and finally, finally GacktJob followed by Gackt got on stage.

The setlist was pretty much the same as at the other shows, so I'm just going to copy it:

Zan - playing around with katana
Nine Spiral
Speed Master
Lu:Na - stripping
Kimi Ga Matteiru Kara
Mind Forest - in English
Flower - acapella, having the crowd sing instead of him
Todokanai - encore

I will just list bits and pieces as they come to me

- I've read people were saying the sound was bad. It sounded great and clear from where I was standing.

- I love Dybbuk and I think now I love it even more. The atmosphere was amazing and the collective jumping.. we were in the middle at this point already and with everyone cramped and moving I had no other choice than jump even if I didn't want to. But I did and loved it :D

- Same with Luna. Amazing song. And Gackt stripping only added to it XD I must confess I missed him taking his tie off (I was busy ogling Chacha), but I stared enough to make up for it when he ripped his shirt off, haha.

- Chacha was so awesome, sexy yet adorable. I can't believe the guy is 50 years old. He was the last one to leave the stage, still having so much energy and making people scream "YFC" all over again. I had a random Chacha!fangirly moment with a girl next to me, we were screaming at him and showing him (Y)s and he looked at us and smiled ♥ though it might be just my imagination, haha. You looked really cute and I saw him communicating with the audience in front of him a lot, which was sweet, but he didn't grab my attention often. I couldn't see much of Chirolyn or Junji from where I was standing.

- I was screaming and singing so much I almost couldn't sing anymore when Flower came. By the end of the concert I was concentrating more on actually breathing rather than screaming, but I was trying :D At the end I was pressed there with nowhere to move, one of my feet wasn't even touching the ground (I'm so glad I wore platforms, I wouldn't see much without them), my extensions got caught in between people, so I had my head tilted to the side permanently, I had my hands up and no place to sneak them down, they hurt but I wanted to keep them up anyway, my voice was mainly gone, I was WET through and through and it was amazing. Thanks to everyone there, Gackt, GacktJob, the staff, the crowd.

- The staff guys were distributing water to the front rows all the time, but none reached us. I saw probably about 20 people fainting in front of us (including a huge guy), I'm not sure how many did behind. I had a fan with me, but I almost lost it when it got caught in the fight for a drumstick. So I let go of the drumstick (it was slippery with sweat so it was hard to hold onto anyway) and saved the fan, because it literally kept me alive. I tried to fan people around me at times too, not sure how much it helped though :(

- There were technical problems some time during the show, can't remember when exactly, around the middle I guess. They stopped everything, the lights went off and some staff member went over to Gackt with a flashlight and fiddled with his microphone and/or earphones. It only took about two minutes and they continued with the show.

- Gackt in person is as beautiful as ever. I don't get his fascination with photoshop :/ and the word "fuck". But hey, him asking who wants to fuck him was hilarious XD you could practically see his EGO standing there too, lol. Yes, I did scream my head off as well as everyone else. :P His English was mostly understandable and his words about us all being a family despite different cultures and skin colors were touching. And of course he promised to be back :D he even spoke a few words of German, which was a nice touch even though I was only guessing what he was saying. Gackt looks impressive on the stage and has a great stage presence, he definitely knows how to keep the crowd boiling. Though he can't dance, he totally has some sexy hip moves. Magnum in your face, lol. He looked really tired during the second half of the show, which ended in the infamous falling off the stage incident before the encore. I was so worried about him, I thought the girls would tear him apart, but fortunately everyone was amazing and helped him up again. Some staff member and Chacha with You (I think) were then supporting him on the little platform on the stage, but he sent them away with "I can do this" expression and kept on going. Then he blogged about loosing consciousness five or six times during the show. Man should get some rest and take it easy for a while. Now when the European part of the tour is over, hopefully he can do that. But ngl, I was very impressed to see with my own eyes how far he is willing to go to satisfy his fans.

This was taken from where we were standing, we did have a perfect view :) (pics stolen, sorry :P)

After the show was over the piano song started playing again and we finally got something to drink, my friend went to get goods. I'm broke, so I didn't :( but I met more nice people while I was waiting for her, one German girl let me have a look at her photobook and mock the sex positions cards, lol. We were kicked out of the venue soon after (it was around 10pm). Into the heavy rain. No sightseeing in the evening either? We took shelter under some roof opposite the venue, where we happened to meet another three Czech girls. They arrived that day, had no place to stay and were just waiting for their bus to leave at 1PM the next day. OMG. We spent some time with them, relocating to a nearby Burger King and when the rain let up, the five of us made our way to the city centre (and managed to get lost at the metro station again). After wandering around for a while we parted ways, so I hope they survived the night and arrived safely. The two of us kept on wandering, looking for a place to go. Munich at night is dead. No people around, nothing opened, only toppled over bikes, lol. Idek. We settled for McDonalds, where we got picked up by some Austrian guys. They looked nice enough tattoed all over and had nothing else to do too, so we accepted their invitation to go out drinking. I had a great time and the anonymous peach booze was yummy. Anyway, we got to bed at around 5am in a very pleasant state of inebriation after watching bits of the YFC DVD and fangirling again.


The check out was at noon, which means we left at 1pm. The plan was to drop off our things at the railway station (where I experienced serious locker fail orz), get something to eat, visit neotokyo and then based on how much time we'd have we'd do a bit of sightseeing. But of course it had to start raining again on our way to neotokyo (I got myself a bright pink umbrella, haha). The shop was smaller than I expected and had basically no jpop stuff :( I'd get some jrock goodies, but again, not much money, so I only got myself the July issue of Myojo (this pretty mag which funnily enough happens to be the same one mele_3_4 has :D credit to whoever has scanned those) and strawberry Pocky to munch on. Deusssexmachina got a shitload of stuff which totally made the running to not miss our train easier XD

We kinda underestimated how much time we have left, so in the end, we didn't even manage to buy food for our journey. For the whole ride there was this older guy who understood Czech sitting with us in the compartment and I seriously admire him for not running away XD as another guy did soon after we left Munich Putting up with us talking BS the whole time was amazing and very brave on his side. This train ended up being delayed (because the random going in the opposite direction had to happen again), it took over 7 hours to get to Prague and we missed our connecting train.

We could always sleep over at my place and continue our journey the next day, but another train we could take was leaving in an hour, so in the meantime we got something to drink and eat and randomly met two friends of mine. Fortunately Prague lives at night as opposed to Munich :D we boarded the train to find out it was totally packed. We managed to find free seats but got kicked out of them soon after by people who had reservations (and were very rude). In our desolate state we resigned ourselves to sit on our suitcases for the next four hours in the tiny, tiny space we found and in the company of cherry vodka and few Slovakians in the same predicament. Fortunately, another car was added, so we relocated there after about an hour of getting squished (a recurring topic of those two days). We ran out of vodka too soon again :( deussexmachina got off one station before mine, I substituted a translator when the train collector failed at speaking in English to someone and then finally reached my station, where my lovely father was waiting for me. I got home some time before 5AM, 12 hours after leaving Munich.

And it was so worth it. The concert was absolutely awesome and the little bumps made the trip more fun in the end :D I'm so glad I spent those 7 hours refreshing for tickets and decided to go.

You don't even want to know how long it took me to write all this.

fangirling, rl, my tags are so lame

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