Oct 15, 2009 19:01
back to the dr. next week for some stomach problems again...i feel like i'm 66 instead of 36. ugh. i just want to have a diagnosis and proceed from there. i feel ok generally just minor symptoms really but one that is a bit strange and concerning, at least to me.
anyway, looking forward to Where the Wild Things Are, Zombieland, maybe Atlanta ballet's The Magic Flute and then there is our 1/2 priced tix for David Cross on Saturday. lots on tap this weekend (not the beer fest since it's sold out and i waited too long for tix but probably for the best since my health seems to be not so great) and hopefully i can relax and not worry about much.
oh yeah, and our direct tv is out due to an oversight in my partner and paying the bill. grrrr....and tonight is FRinge and Project Runway. hopefully will be fixed in the next hour.