Now that this is out of the way...I love the new layout :D. Those branches in the title background look like snakes, which is always a plus :D.
Also, I'm considering maybe going back to school because I'm generally unhappy with my life, but oh well. That being said, I think I'll never actually go for a Phd, it sounds like a horror story. Seriously. But anyway, enough about me, WHAT'S UP IN ITALY, DAHLIN'?
ETA: Aw fuck it, I'm editing this once again because I'm bored and feel like ranting, but obviously me and the people who keep me sane can't be online at the same time :D...Are you seriously listening to Mika? Seriously? If so, you must be superhuman; I can't stand his voice :D. On the other hand, I've finally given in and downloaded B.o.B.'s Airplanes, and I like it, damnit.
Oh oh oh and I watched Avatar, too! Granted, it was in French, with those ridiculous accents from France, but at least I got to see it, right? It was nice, but I still don't get why people were so IN LOVE with it. Same thing happened with Inception. Maybe I just have weird tastes in movies? xD
If you're still reading by now, I apologize for the randomness and general nonsense. But hey, you're one of the few - if not the only one - who actually reads what I post, so I felt I should as well give you the exclusivity and post it here already, yeah? Anyways, my mom called to apologize for being a cunt. It was interesting. Not sure I'm buying it, but at least she didn't bitch for those 30 seconds. And Dad got offered a higher position in the hospital hierarchy, or whatever you wanna call it, so it looks like this Monaco thing ain't as temporary as I initially thought it would be...though I don't know whether or not that's a good thing.
And Seb went back to Québec, so I'm stuck here by myself, with the lifeguard. But I got bored of the lifeguard. Is it bad that university doesn't even sound that bad at this point?
P.S.: Sorry 'bout this long-ass comment. I won't do it again. *hugs*
P.P.S: Yes, I am actually editing for spelling, but my inner grammar nazi wouldn't shut up :D.
DO NOT FEAR! I'm here...I've been *gasp* working . Did you hear that? WORKING. Shocking, I know. Materials and methods of the thesis are done and I'm starting with the results and discussion part. *pats self on back*
I do read what you post, and I appreciate you do the same, y'know, it's nice to now you're there. So, DO IT AGAIN. Whatever, wherever.
New layout is still work in progress. Because I've discovered that testing it on Google Chrome and having it down to a science there does not equal it working on Firefox/IE too. So, yeah, I'll have to re-do the banner and the footer. Damnit!
If your father is gonna accept this new job, you plan on staying there too? I'm sure you'd find good opportunities there, being bi-lingual (more like multi-lingual, actually) the way you are, right? I don't know what to tell you about the school thing because I'm in no position to do so. When I graduated from uni I basically had the only choice of entering a phd program, because I wouldn't have had another possibility to remain in my lab and get paid. I wouldn't do it again, though. Not in a million years. At the cost of being unemployed for months before being able to land whatever job, I wouldn't live this nightmare again. I'm just glad it's almost over. I'm planning on moving abroad, next year, like actually making plans, sending curricula and looking for openings here and there. Looking for houses, too. It's nice, it keeps me focused.
Sooo...I'm still kinda hating you hardcore for the lifeguard thing but just a couple of days ago I spent a good forty minutes on the bus getting hit on by a mightily gorgeous guy (he wasn't drunk, he wasn't high, he wasn't joking and he didn't seem crazy, either. Overall it's a huge improvement). He vaguely looked like that guy from "Private practice", the boss, I don't know his name. I guess together we would look like an Oreo cookie, but whatever, he's got my number, now. Maybe it's time to dust the cobwebs away, who knows? Cross your fingers.
What else? Oh, yes, MIKA! Dude, I love this guy. It makes me wanna give him a crotch squeeze to see if his balls have dropped or not. He can reach heights only dogs can hear! No, really. I've always found his music cute and funny, and he's good when you've got nothing else to listen to. Speaking of which, I don't know what happened to me but I can't stop listening to the new Eminem record, and I don't even LIKE that kind of music. I don't know, it's so angry it's almost a liberation to listen to him rant on and on and on. I'm probably growing soft.
Last thing (maybe)... I'm stumped on a thing and I don't know what to do. I've almost finished a ficcie (Matt/Brian, of course) and I honestly like it, but I'm not sure wheter to post it or not. You know that kink I told you about, the watersports thing? That's it. I've written it because I couldn't get it out of my mind but now I'm scared shitless of posting it. People already know I'm crazy so it's not that that bothers me. I don't even know *what* is it exactly that bothers me but I can't think about publishing it. I mean, there are stories about these guys getting pregnant out there in all their shameless glory, what could be worse than that? I don't know, what should I do?
*pumps fist* WORK, YAY! Well I'm glad you're getting work done, that can only mean you're getting nearer to the end of the phd thing, right? I've been working too, but I think I'm gonna quit. I don't even know if I wanna stay there...I mean, it's nice, and beautiful, and I love those fancy boutiques/restaurants/beaches/whatever, but...all those snobby bitches and semi-famous people are driving me crazy, y'kow?
On the other hand, I don't wanna go back and have to deal with the truckload or bullshit that's sure to hit the fan so...yeah. I could most likely find a job involving languages, but I don't know. I must not be making much sense, right?
I could, like, FedEx you the lifeguard xD. I'm done with him; novelty wears off fairly quick. I'm not totally sure I got the Oreo cookie thing, BUT I'M HAPPY FOR YOU, YAY, DON'T LET HIM GO WITHOUT TYING HIM DOWN BEFOREHAND!!! *wink wink*.
About the layout: I use Google Chrome, so I think it looks nice :D. IE makes me wanna rip my own hair off and Firefox hates my computer. Speaking of computers, would you, by some lucky luck, have nice wallpapers you could share with me? I have over 300, but I'm tired of putting the same ones over and over again. Yeah, I know, me and my petty problems -.-
I wanna give Mika a crotch squeeze, too, but only to see if it would be fatal, haha. To be honest, I don't really like the new Eminem record all that much, and I actually LOVE his previous material so...bleh. But y'know, there's nothing wrong with going soft, is there? Soft cookies are the best :D. And on the subject of music...I need to see a good rock and/or metal show soon or else I might go crazy, but I doubt Metallica's stopping by Monaco anytime soon, am I right? xD
And last but not least, YOUR FIC OMG YAY :D. Well, I'd say post it, because my selfish self wants to read it. But then, if it's gonna bother you afterwards...I don't know. If you like it, and I like it (because how could I not, duh!) well it'll be at least two people :D. And besides, if you're happy with it, than I think that's what matters, and it'll be up to people whether they wanna read it or not :D. THAT MADE NO SENSE, BUT I REALLY WANNA READ IT!
Oh and the school thing...I thought about while I was calmer and more in possession of my whole mind and...maybe I could just take an Arabic class or something. Learning languages relaxes me, oddly.
So, I think that's it, have a nice day, work well, think about your fic but at least show it to me, have fun with that Oreo guy, and think about me because I'm important.
Now that this is out of the way...I love the new layout :D. Those branches in the title background look like snakes, which is always a plus :D.
Also, I'm considering maybe going back to school because I'm generally unhappy with my life, but oh well. That being said, I think I'll never actually go for a Phd, it sounds like a horror story. Seriously. But anyway, enough about me, WHAT'S UP IN ITALY, DAHLIN'?
ETA: Aw fuck it, I'm editing this once again because I'm bored and feel like ranting, but obviously me and the people who keep me sane can't be online at the same time :D...Are you seriously listening to Mika? Seriously? If so, you must be superhuman; I can't stand his voice :D. On the other hand, I've finally given in and downloaded B.o.B.'s Airplanes, and I like it, damnit.
Oh oh oh and I watched Avatar, too! Granted, it was in French, with those ridiculous accents from France, but at least I got to see it, right? It was nice, but I still don't get why people were so IN LOVE with it. Same thing happened with Inception. Maybe I just have weird tastes in movies? xD
If you're still reading by now, I apologize for the randomness and general nonsense. But hey, you're one of the few - if not the only one - who actually reads what I post, so I felt I should as well give you the exclusivity and post it here already, yeah? Anyways, my mom called to apologize for being a cunt. It was interesting. Not sure I'm buying it, but at least she didn't bitch for those 30 seconds. And Dad got offered a higher position in the hospital hierarchy, or whatever you wanna call it, so it looks like this Monaco thing ain't as temporary as I initially thought it would be...though I don't know whether or not that's a good thing.
And Seb went back to Québec, so I'm stuck here by myself, with the lifeguard. But I got bored of the lifeguard. Is it bad that university doesn't even sound that bad at this point?
P.S.: Sorry 'bout this long-ass comment. I won't do it again. *hugs*
P.P.S: Yes, I am actually editing for spelling, but my inner grammar nazi wouldn't shut up :D.
I do read what you post, and I appreciate you do the same, y'know, it's nice to now you're there. So, DO IT AGAIN. Whatever, wherever.
New layout is still work in progress. Because I've discovered that testing it on Google Chrome and having it down to a science there does not equal it working on Firefox/IE too. So, yeah, I'll have to re-do the banner and the footer. Damnit!
If your father is gonna accept this new job, you plan on staying there too? I'm sure you'd find good opportunities there, being bi-lingual (more like multi-lingual, actually) the way you are, right? I don't know what to tell you about the school thing because I'm in no position to do so. When I graduated from uni I basically had the only choice of entering a phd program, because I wouldn't have had another possibility to remain in my lab and get paid. I wouldn't do it again, though. Not in a million years. At the cost of being unemployed for months before being able to land whatever job, I wouldn't live this nightmare again. I'm just glad it's almost over. I'm planning on moving abroad, next year, like actually making plans, sending curricula and looking for openings here and there. Looking for houses, too. It's nice, it keeps me focused.
Sooo...I'm still kinda hating you hardcore for the lifeguard thing but just a couple of days ago I spent a good forty minutes on the bus getting hit on by a mightily gorgeous guy (he wasn't drunk, he wasn't high, he wasn't joking and he didn't seem crazy, either. Overall it's a huge improvement). He vaguely looked like that guy from "Private practice", the boss, I don't know his name. I guess together we would look like an Oreo cookie, but whatever, he's got my number, now. Maybe it's time to dust the cobwebs away, who knows? Cross your fingers.
What else? Oh, yes, MIKA! Dude, I love this guy. It makes me wanna give him a crotch squeeze to see if his balls have dropped or not. He can reach heights only dogs can hear! No, really. I've always found his music cute and funny, and he's good when you've got nothing else to listen to. Speaking of which, I don't know what happened to me but I can't stop listening to the new Eminem record, and I don't even LIKE that kind of music. I don't know, it's so angry it's almost a liberation to listen to him rant on and on and on. I'm probably growing soft.
Last thing (maybe)... I'm stumped on a thing and I don't know what to do. I've almost finished a ficcie (Matt/Brian, of course) and I honestly like it, but I'm not sure wheter to post it or not. You know that kink I told you about, the watersports thing? That's it. I've written it because I couldn't get it out of my mind but now I'm scared shitless of posting it. People already know I'm crazy so it's not that that bothers me. I don't even know *what* is it exactly that bothers me but I can't think about publishing it. I mean, there are stories about these guys getting pregnant out there in all their shameless glory, what could be worse than that? I don't know, what should I do?
On the other hand, I don't wanna go back and have to deal with the truckload or bullshit that's sure to hit the fan so...yeah. I could most likely find a job involving languages, but I don't know. I must not be making much sense, right?
I could, like, FedEx you the lifeguard xD. I'm done with him; novelty wears off fairly quick. I'm not totally sure I got the Oreo cookie thing, BUT I'M HAPPY FOR YOU, YAY, DON'T LET HIM GO WITHOUT TYING HIM DOWN BEFOREHAND!!! *wink wink*.
About the layout: I use Google Chrome, so I think it looks nice :D. IE makes me wanna rip my own hair off and Firefox hates my computer. Speaking of computers, would you, by some lucky luck, have nice wallpapers you could share with me? I have over 300, but I'm tired of putting the same ones over and over again. Yeah, I know, me and my petty problems -.-
I wanna give Mika a crotch squeeze, too, but only to see if it would be fatal, haha. To be honest, I don't really like the new Eminem record all that much, and I actually LOVE his previous material so...bleh. But y'know, there's nothing wrong with going soft, is there? Soft cookies are the best :D. And on the subject of music...I need to see a good rock and/or metal show soon or else I might go crazy, but I doubt Metallica's stopping by Monaco anytime soon, am I right? xD
And last but not least, YOUR FIC OMG YAY :D. Well, I'd say post it, because my selfish self wants to read it. But then, if it's gonna bother you afterwards...I don't know. If you like it, and I like it (because how could I not, duh!) well it'll be at least two people :D. And besides, if you're happy with it, than I think that's what matters, and it'll be up to people whether they wanna read it or not :D. THAT MADE NO SENSE, BUT I REALLY WANNA READ IT!
Oh and the school thing...I thought about while I was calmer and more in possession of my whole mind and...maybe I could just take an Arabic class or something. Learning languages relaxes me, oddly.
So, I think that's it, have a nice day, work well, think about your fic but at least show it to me, have fun with that Oreo guy, and think about me because I'm important.
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