Apr 13, 2006 08:26
A few days ago Pixel caught a mouse and brought it inside.
THen she let it go ana lost it. I was rather annoyed as you may guess. ANYway, today, she was hunting around my bedroom and I was thinking to myself "Uh-oh, mouse behind my drawers where I can't get at it!" Turns out though, the mouse wasn't in my room, and I saw it run into the hallway out of the corner of my eye while i was on the computer. So I cornered it, managed to get pixel in to take notice so she could grap it... and she took it into the loungeroom. I'm like : NOT GOING TO HAPPEN CAT! So I caught it when she let go of the thing again, and dangled it by the scruff of it's neck in front of her nose to try and get her outside with it. Which worked eventually.
Outside I have not watered the grass all summer, so it is a nice straw colour, and the mowerman came so it is also very short. I like big open spaces to toss mice around. Less likely they can hide somewhere and come back later.
Pixel patted the mouse around as per catness, and I crouched there watching to make sure she didn't loose it. She did a few times so I flicked it back at her. Joy got out the pair of tongs we ususally use to pick up dead mice with, and I had to explaine that I would be washing my hands very thoroughly afterwards. Joy went back inside because shewas cold. I was cold too, but I wanted to be sure when the mouse was dead. So I stayed.
Pixel got board when it couldn't run anymore. I felt really sad for the mouse because last time Pixel batted it for a bit, then broke it's neck. SHe didn't do that this time. But eventually it died I think from a punctured lung. I watched it gasp it's last few breaths and shudder. I had hoped it could have a reletively quick and painless death, but cats are cats. And I didn't want to flush it down the loo while it was still alive. *sigh!*