Geek Angst

Feb 16, 2009 13:52

If Ubuntu is so insanely great, why do I always end up wanting to develop a time machine to go back in time and kill all the project leads grandparents in grisly fashions?

Backstory: I was trying to install it (8.10) on a little MSI Wind nettop box. I got it installed and it ended up stuttering horribly on video. I realized once again that Ubuntu does heinous amounts of handholding for Xorg configuration, which is great if everything works perfectly, and if it doesn't it drops on the floor. If I wanted to manually edit the xorg.conf from scratch I'd install fucking Slackware. No, I lie, Slackware at least had a configuration script last time I used it. sax2 (from SuSE) is so far superior in every imaginable way I have trouble comprehending what the Ubuntu folks are smoking.

Lame: You can map a network drive with their nice clicky tool! Yeah! Unless you use NFS. *blink* *blink* Huh? You're telling me you can map a drive with SSH or HTTP, but not NFS? Is this UNIX or kindergarten land?

Lamer still: Changing from DHCP to manual IP config doesn't fucking work. At all. Oh sure, it says it does. It lets you change the little boxes and then later when you come back it's changed them back to DHCP.

Plus points: It did recognize all the sound and network hardware, and the monitor.
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