I've picked up the guitar, for various reasons [1], including admittedly too many hours of Guitar Hero.
The worst part of picking it up so far is waiting for the callouses. I can't play it for terribly long before my fingertips get terribly sore. Still, it's quite enjoyable, even though all I can do currently is pick out a halting version of Free Fallin' and bits and pieces of Creep by Radiohead.
I found chord notation for The Lumberjack Song, but it has a B chord that's a little challenging for me yet. Speaking of which,
http://www.chordie.com is awesome. A nice site with lots of information, well presented without too much graphic clutter. The personal songbook function is really nice.
[1] I've been wanting to get back into playing an instrument for a while. I thought about picking up the trombone, but it's a terrible instrument to play alone. You really need a whole band with you. The piano is better in terms of that, but even a keyboard is not terribly portable. A guitar is a nice instrument by itself, or as an aid to song.