Jan 19, 2006 22:45
Today has hit me with a ton of bricks. Finally feeling better just very very tired. Struggle to stay awake in Vietnam class today and I was even antsy during literature... had lunch with Carrie, Missig, and Justin... and the whole morning I kept thinking 'maybe i should take my cell phone... ' but i didn't because i was just going to class and its not like anyone calls me or like i would answer it in class.... BUT, I get back in my room after lunch and I"m not there for 5 minutes and my dad calls me... My dad never calls me, so already I'm kinda like 'huh?'. Seriously, maybe hes called me twice in my college career.... So, he goes 'can you do me a huge favor and drive me to and from class tonight?' Um, of course! Yeah... my mom had to go up to Michigan because my sister was in a car accident. She's fine, thank God, but her car... yeah, the one she got like 3 months ago that was brand spankin new... totaled. Someone rearended her really badly... Her gas tank broke open (after she just filled her tank, of course) and the frame of her car was bent. So you can imagine how incredibly lucky she is...
I just want to go to bed but I have to go work the card making table at MNM tonight until 1. Atleast I don't have classes tomorrow. Just a workout with Grantlers at 3ish.
And I'm going home Saturday afternoon to have dinner with my dad since my mom is staying in Michigan all weekend and my brother is going to OSU. I think we're doing chinese.
You know what, I think I just need like a good 3 hours where I'm just by myself, no interruptions, just me.
Just Me.
Edit: Yeah, my brother broke his leg at OSU. Dislocated his kneecap dancing... Fanfrickentastic