JE love

Jun 08, 2007 21:46

I'd been writing too much about Ryo and Tomohisa on my past entries so today is different. Every group is included, still a little RyoPi, and a discovery/realization at the end. ^_^

Arashi: I watched about 16 episodes of Mago Mago Arashi and it was hilarious. I especially loved it when Aiba and Sho cook for kids... they're super duper uberly adorable. I heart the We Can Make It PV. My spirits get high when I watch the PV... the bright colors are sugoi yo!

I want to get their newest album, Time. Kyaaaaaaaaaaa... it'll be my very first owned Arashi album. I hafta buy it.

Kanjani8 - Its been a week since I decided to check them out. Yea, for the six months I've been into this fandom, I've not cared much for this group. I decided to download Dreamboys 2006 to initially watch Kat-tun but I ended up liking Kanjani8's music too. Iyaaa... Sukiyanen Osaka had me the first time I heard it. Ryo's J'etaime seriously had me falling off my chair. Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Ryochan and french yo! Hahaha. Oh Enka and Mugendai are nice songs too.

I have yet to know the members name... I only know Ryo, Yoko, and Subaru. I'm getting mixed up with the others. But I really like their music too so I'll be checking them out from now on.

Grrrrrrr... Which to buy? Kanjani 8 album Ed. A or Ed. B? Dvd or Cards? I'm confused.

Cartoon Kattun Ep 10 : I laughed so hard my stomach hurts. Jin was uber adorable.. i didn't think he'll win. I didn't think he's capable to do a limbo since he hasn't been on stage for 6 months.  Lol. But I'm really glad he's back.

Their performance was sugoi! This is the first time I listened to the song... pretty good. Dude, I melt when Jin says "ai shiteru" sdjafkjakfjdksjfOMGosh! Too bad Ueda didn't say "ai shiteru" by himself... it would have completed my Mrs. Ueda state.

Kat-tun will always win me with their music and it won't matter what kind of genre it is. If its Kat-tun then its always a win-win situation.

NewS: I miss the 6 of them together. Its been 2 months since I've seen them perform. Gaaaaaaaah... I miss my boys. I wanna see them on my pc screen. I'm glad each of them have their solo works.... everyone is doing something new. YaY!

Yatta! I'm glad Shige has a drama for this summer. He may not be the lead or supporting lead but that doesn't matter... he'll eventually make his way to become a better actor and reach the teppen yo!

Tomohisa Rumor: After reading the rumor two days ago, I have to admit that for a few minutes I was like "Gaaaaaah. I don't want him to have gf... it'll ruin my fantasies yo" but I ended up laughing my ass off because the post that had the news was hijacked. LMAO. Yup it was hijacked by RyoPI, TegoPi etc. shippers. I actually slept with a smile on my face. I enjoyed the RyoPi rabu too. ^_^

I'll never believe ANY rumor unless Tomohisa admits it himself. In that case, I'd be happy for him. Plus, he's not getting married yet... If he was then I'm going to make a big fuss about it. These days the possibilities of couples breaking up are high yo! *evil laugh*

Its not healthy to be depressed by a stupid rumor so the solution is to never click on anything that relates to JE rumors... especially to your JE ichiban's rumor. I've heard a lot of forums are talking about it but since I'm not a member of many forums, I'm rumor-free. ^_^

RYOPI: I read the trans of the latest Popolo and OMgosh! RyoPi rabu. I ship their friendship... makes me heart them all the more.

It was only two days ago that I realized that I'm in to JE boys with a SHI in their last name...

<3 yamaSHIta
   <3 niSHIkido
   <3 akaniSHI

kamenaSHI is almost there... he used to be in my top 3 but bakanishi took his spot.

Will SHIbutani Subaru join my SHI group in the near future too?


0409, shi, news, ryopi, kanjani8, kattun, arashi

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