
May 19, 2007 00:17

YaY for meme! taken from 

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. NO CHEATING!

--- I made this JE related. I have a playlist with all my JE songs in them... about 170+ songs from Smap to Kattun. Plus, its funner this way. YeY!

How do you feel today?
NewS - Akai Hana : Flowers are blossoming outside day by day since Spring began. Its nice to look at them though I don't try and have a closer look since I have allergies. Ah. Like Massu, I also have allergies during this time of year. Actually, its only this year that I had allergies. Grrrrrrr... everyone in my family gave it to me.

What’s your outlook on life?
V6- Feel Your Breeze: I live by the day. I don't really plan ahead... I just go on with what today will bring me.. I enjoy it more this way... its stress-free. I'm also a procrastinator so I won't do something until the day before the due date. I only plan ahead when I have appointments or when I'm going out with friends.

What does your family think of you?
KinKi Kids - Harmony of December : I love this song too. Soon enough, I'll be able to sing this in karaoke. I need more practice. My family thinks I'm in love with sushi and I really am. Unagi and Yellow tail wins my heart.

What do your friends think of you? 
GYM - Fever to Future : This song makes me think of volleyball. DUH! This reminds me, I tried out for my high school's volleyball team.. I made it up to the 2 out of the 3 cuts. I didn't get into the team coz they needed the taller ones.

What do strangers think of you? 
Kat-tun - Six Senses : This is one of my favorite songs.

Jin singing "Jiyuu hoshi nari kusani toki hanachi joushiki wo kowasu" is too sexy. *DIES*
Add in Ueda's "wake up wake up i don't need it so" makes it double the sexiness!

This song is total smex yo!

What do your exes think of you?
Arashi - Dear My Friend : Yes, a friend.

How’s your love life? 
Arashi - Na!Na!Na! : Let me repeat that again... Na!Na!Na!Na!Na!Na!Na!Na!Na!Na!Na!Na!Na!Na!Na! <3 JK. I'm single and lovin it.

How will your love life be in the future? 
Kat-tun - Someday for Somebody : What a perfect song! I flail everytime I listen to this song. Kame's voice is cho sekushii.

Will you get married? 
Kat-tun - Way of Love : If there's a will there's a way... and that way is a Way of Love. I want to get married before 30 years old... around 27. I'd love to enjoy life by myself first before settling down. I wanna travel.

Are you good at school? 
Remioromen - Konayuki : Ah. This song makes me cry. One Litre of Tears was such a good drama. I just saw it a couple of days ago. I cried so much. Ryo gave justice to his role.. though in real life, there was no Asou Haruto, Ryo did a great job in his role. Seeing him cry... tears trickling down his face while reading Aya's love letter was heart breaking...

This drama is one of my favorites. The casting was great and the real Aya is admirable. I want to thank Aya for inspiring other people and having the spirit to live on despite her disease. Zutto ikite.

Totally not school related but hey, I love this song.

Will you be successful?
NewS- Akaku Moyuru Taiyou : Absolutely! I refuse to be a bum.

What song should they play at your graduation?
TegoMass - Sunadokei : I don't mind TegoMass singing this song in my graduation. That would be amazing! Who cares if this isn't a graduation song. I love this song... makes me fall in love with TegoMass' other song Chocolate. I don't know why.

The Soundtrack of your life?
GYM - Hokaugo Blues : One thing for sure... I don't smoke in my school's backyard during my HS life.  I had a rather Wonderful HS life. I really miss HS. Haha.

If I remember I read an english translation of this song and it says something about smoking during school break or something like that. Makes me wonder if Tomohisa wrote this with his own HS experience. Ah. I seriously hope he doesn't smoke... or at least, have stopped smoking.

You and your best friends are? 
NewS - Hoshi wo Mezashite : Absolutely! We really are... we're doing our best in our studies and aiming for the stars... the stars represent our grades... We can make it!

Happy times: 
Kat-tun - Miracle : I see every day as a miracle... me still living in this world today is a miracle. Happy and even sad times are miracles from God... we just see them in different ways.

Sad times: 
Tomohisa - Colorful : Haha. Sad times are definitely not colorful..

Every day: 
Kusano Akira - CHU : This isn't really a song... its a 1:48 full of Akira's most memorable bakaness in NwP. If only I have Akira's bakaness, I would have been a soya-milk-drunkard-girl with flapping arms whenever I go down the stairs. Mwahahaha.

For tommorrow: 
Arashi - Eyes with Delight : I'm looking forward to a delightful day tomorrow. Ahhhhh... I'll be baby sitting my nephews tomorrow from 8am to 5 pm. Iyaaaaaaaaa... [chowmenaaaaaaa -> help me in cantonese]

For you: 
Arashi - Wish : If I was a genie, I'll grant your 3 wishes.

But if I'm to make 3 JE related wishes... Let's see..
1. To see Arashi, NewS, and Kattun in one set. [This is like 3 wishes in 1. Smart ne?]
2. To star in a drama with Tomohisa and Ryo. [Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa... 2 wishes in 1]
3. To sing a duet with Akanishi. [I want to have a showdown with him... not that I'm a good singer... I can try and imitate him.]

Sings: "Asufaruto wo keritobashite.."

I AM SO HOPELESS! Forgive my craziness.
What does next year have in store for me? 
TegoMass - Miso Soup : I guess that means I'll be eating instant noodles for the 1st half of next year since my tuition fee is too expensive.

What do I say when life gets too hard? 
Kat-tun - Signal :

What's going on? Life's a bit harsh 
What's goin on? I hate this life 
I'm movin on I'll just listen to kat-tun 


What song will I dance to at my wedding? 
Kat-tun - My Angel You Are Angel : Maji, I'll definitely play this song in my wedding. Let's just hope my husband-to-be is the one to arrange this song to be our first dance or something. Mwahahah.

What do you want as your career? 
NewS - Let's go to the Planets : Astronaut? LMAO. But in real life, I'm going to be a nurse so yeah... I'll be staying here on Earth. ^_^

Your favorite saying? 
NewS - IZANAIZUKI : "Get away tsukiyouni Kakurete Be Silent" Lol. But really, my favorite saying is "God's will be done."

How will I die? 
Kat-tun - Samurai Love Attack (Taguchi's solo) : LMAO. Samurai makes me think of the real samurai sword... that'll be too painful and bloody.


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