Rules for Posting
1. You must be a member to post in this community.
2. When posting a short story, graphics, or work of art, you must put the actual material under a cut. (You may include a teaser before the cut if you wish.)
3. The posts should include the title of the story or artwork, and the subject (ie. bondage).
4. Critiques of the stories are welcome and encouraged. However, this community does not tolerate bashing in any way, shape or form, and such actions will result in the offender being permanently expelled from the community.
5. Short stories are posted here, as well as requests from readers, and links given to longer, more complete novels (such as at Longer, more complete novels need not be posted here, though teasers can be, and a link given to where the entire work will be fully posted. This community is mostly for "scenes" only, but some authors may choose to return to a scenario more than once.
6. You have to be of legal age (18 years or older) before you can join this community. A maintainer will check your profile for a birthday year to make sure you are of legal age. If you have no birthday in your profile, access cannot be granted. Exceptions will be made for people who don't like to divulge that information on their profile, provided they message the mods with their date of birth.
7. Due to the adult content of the community, all explicit adult content must be posted in friends-locked entries. There are NO exceptions to this rule. This includes links to external sites that contain an erotic story or other similar adult content, and any post made discussing adult content in the community.
Violations of these rules will result in first a nice request (as in the case of not f-locking entries), but later either post deletion or expulsion from the community altogether. If you would like to appeal a decision, write a comment in the
mod post. All comments made to this post are screened for your privacy! If any harassment of the members by an expulsed member is reported, resubmission into the community will be permanently denied.
Disallowed Content
Do not post the following types of content: lulz and crack, rape and/or extreme violence, snuff, necrophilia, or anything relating to watersports/scat play/2benders1teacup, etc.
Rape and abuse are not erotic. Rape can be part of the story without having been explicitly described (for background purposes), but not otherwise. However, BDSM is perfectly fine, outside of the contexts mentioned above. Don't like this rule? Here's a tissue.
Post the lulz and cracky material to
capslock_zutara, where it is promoted and appreciated.
This is a writing and arts community meant for works of a romantic/erotic/sexy nature. The stories do not HAVE to feature explicit sexual content, but should have some type of romantic situation to them.
All posts containing either art or stories must specify outside the cut if it is explicit material! You can do this by either labeling it as "hardcore", or "NC-17". A post containing a story should look something like this:
(Story: Steam) (If you do not have a title, simply putting story will suffice.)
Genre: Hardcore, Bondage, Romance (You may include as many terms as you see fit.)
Summary: A summary of the story if desired by the author. (Hence, what the story is about in a more specific manner.)
The story name should be the link to the story under the cut. For more information on how to put a cut in a post, see
livejournal's FAQs page. SPECIAL MOD EDIT: Threesomes (Z/K/_) are allowed content in this community, provided the author labels the fic appropriately before the cut (M/M, F/F, etc).
Thanks you guys, and remember to have fun despite all of these draconian measures we're taking to prevent LJ from pulling the plug on our comm. XD