(no subject)

Sep 22, 2006 20:06

    A breif little sidetrack from Tales of Ba Sing Sei.  The plot bunnies are eating me alive.  Call the PBP.*
    Zuko made an attempt at being a romantic in my brain, and this was produced.

*Plot Bunny Police

Title: You're No Poet
Prompt #22: Hands
Rating: PG at most.
Summary: She had never thought of Zuko as a poet, and honestly, he wasn't much of one, but it was the effort that counted, right?

She had never thought of Zuko as a poet, and honestly, he wasn't much of one, but it was the effort that counted, right?  She realized her foot was falling asleep and shifted her weight, laying all the way down on her little bed roll, arms crossed on the pillow staring at the miniscule scale of parchment where a few lines were scribbled neatly.
    She sighed and tried to hold back laughter.
    "Hey...uhm..... Sokka?" he and the warrior had only recently made a truce and he was still uncomfortable with the whole idea of there not being an insult in any sentence.  Like, at all.  It was hard.
    "Yeah?" he grumbled around a mouth full of food.
    "You have a  lot of experience in girls... right?.... Well....." he stammered uncertainly, "Say I was.... trying to... y'know...."
    Sokka was momentarily distracted from the food in front of him, mouth agape showing quite the sight.  After a moment he laughed loudly, "So, Zuko's got a crush, eh?"
    He opened his mouth to deny it, but was interrupted, "Well, even if you don't.... you can never go wrong with poetry.  Girls totally ooze all over it."
    She held back giggles as she reread the poem for the fiftieth time that day.  If it was good for anything, it was for a laugh.

Dear Katara
Katara so true
Thinking of you
Is all I can do
And when you look at me
I want to scream "woohoo!"
Please meet me by the lake tonight
So I won't be blue.

22, phantisaeii, hands, username: phantisaeii, theme 22: hands

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