I had to make a "plan" for my bachelor's degree. Pretty much this is what it looks like for atleast the next two years:
Summer 2009
KINE 1301 Intro to Kinsiology 1
SPCH1311 Intro to Speech Communications 3
PSYC2316 Psychology of Personality 3
Fall 2009
BIOL2401 Anatomy and Physiology I 4
ARTS2356 Photography I 3
ENGL1302 Freshman Composition II 3
PSYC2371 Abnormal Psychology 3
GOVT2305 Federal Government 3
Spring 2010
BIOL1306 General Biology 3
GOVT2306 Texas Government 3
ENGL2341 Forms of Literature 3
COSC1301 Intro to Computer Information Systems 4
SPAN1412 Elementary Spanish II 4
Total Credits 40
I am seriously thinking about Texas A&M's San Antonio Campus for the last two years of my bachelors. And this is what they're plan looks like:
http://www.tamuk.edu/sanantonio/Transfer%20Plans/NVC/BA%20Psychology%20NVC.pdf I looked at UTSA's program but they require alot of unrelated electives, and I'd rather do more of my psych electives than worry about all the other ones.
Mom and I have been talking about all my options as far as school. We were talking about me going to UIW so I could continue my online degree, but I think it'd be better to pay less. I may still apply and see about whether I can get scholarships or not. I intend ot get my bachelors without any loans, and hopefully only have to get money to put towards my masters/ph.d. We'll see.
I'm also looking seriously into buying a new car. I have thought about saving myself the money until I'm done with school, but I'm looking at going to Indianna University for my masters/ph.d so I would want a new car that could survive the drive back and forth b/c I know I'd make the drive as often as possible especially with Zachary being so small.
I have so much to look forward to in the future and I'm very excited, but I'm also nervous of failing again.