(no subject)

May 14, 2005 05:39

You know, I shouldn't complain about being grounded for my birthday. I'm not allowed out much, but I get around that anyway! So, no birthday fun my ass! Suzanne's having a party! Hooray!

Date: Tuesday, May 17th
Location: Truffles, downtown FWB
Time: Oneish-5ish/6

For the kids that have to take exams, they let out at 11. I'm going to walk over there from the library in downtown and get there at about 11. Keep an eye out for me and I'll do the same. If you said you're coming, I'll find you. *nod* I will probably have a ride for you, even.

You don't have to bring a gift, but you may want to bring some of your own money for food. Your presence is a present! Seriously, I love you guys. You mean so much to me, I'd love for you to be there. If you're reading this, you're invited. If I don't know you that well, I can GET to know you better! I love making new friends and turning acquaintances into good friends. I met my friend Kirsti at her birthday party, and she's now an awesome friend of mine! lol

I feel AWFUL when I ignore people, so I'll visit with each and everyone of you! If you feel neglected or lonely, walk right up to me and slap me in the face! I insist you do so.

Alright. So far, these people have told me they're coming:

-YESES, in order of acceptance-
Kyle Bush
Gary Knott
Matthew Cyrus
Corey Hanson
Keith Luckock
Dinah Kertz
Eric Rodseth
Amy Finch
John Rodgers

Shannon Green
Jordan Guarisco
Justin Perrin
Austin Woodruff
Erik Mueller
Katie Thompson
Kirsti Sanders
Lizzy Hawkins

Tons more people to ask, still. Gah. To make it super easy, how about you reply to this with a, "Hey, I'm coming!" Ah, hell, at least try to stop by and say hello.

Spread the word! It needs to get out to a lot more people!
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