The Hermit

Feb 27, 2019 00:53

A spiritual corpse
Rotting the body and mind
A numb pain ebbs forth
An eventual realization
That I'm too flawed to reach my potential.

The waters have been poisoned
And fields salted
Ruined what could have been.

The pain
Is knowing life will go on anyway.

The biggest tragedy
The largest failure
The most crippling realization
The ultimate waste
Is knowing

This life is simply pain.
And always will be
Because I'm too far gone
To ever be the person I dreamed of.

I'll never reach the heights
I was born to achieve
To naturally accept and build upon


My lightning struck The Tower
And I never recovered.

Assuming the armor of The Star
And evoking
Was meant for someone else.

I am a misunderstood mistake
A positive failure
Success in the eyes of all
A rotting ruin within.

Walls collapse
The Moon shines brightly
And presents it's paths...

This Hermit was meant for little
And achieved it a lifetime ago.

This life
Is tortuous atonement
For previous wrongs.

The most eternal lie
Is others to misunderstand me for greatness.

This life
Was never intended
For reward or pleasure
Success or achievement.

This is for pain.

An attractive shell
A barbed tunnel within
Collapse inward if you dare
And die with the others.

Flawed enough to buy the lie

That I'm special
Meant for more...

I'm meant for stagnation

I can't decay alone
A fatal magnet
Come die with me
Waste away
For I've finally actualized my true will:

A slow, protracted, miserable, lifelong spiral.

Fade into nothing
Become the black
A martyr
To invoke the nothing
And start again.

I carry the torch
Past the ninth gate of death
And pass it to the purest babe
Destined to pave the way again.

I am the end.

Those of life reject me.
Those of death latch on.

I will draw you in
I will drag you down
I will make you hurt.

I'm not meant for pleasure;
I'm here to end it all.
To reap
To end the world
In my soft little human head.

And hope...
With dread...
That my successor
Carries that torch again.

They come to me to die.

Will they be reborn?

Will I?
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