Apr 19, 2010 05:06
I'm not prone to heart-racing nightmares. Sure, I have the occasional crying dream, or the kind that leaves me feeling quite sad after waking up. But not so much the terrifying kind.
I don't know where I was or what was happening before this. I'm in bed and vomiting. Slowly... and a cardboard like substance is coming up. I grab a plate that's nearby and catch it on that. It comes very slowly. Two of the dogs are on the bed with me and they keep trying to get near the vomit to lick it. I have to keep pushing them away. Once I'm done throwing up in slow motion, I get out of bed to go into the bathroom and clean up. On the way in I pass my Mom in the hallway who is getting ready for work. She says something foreign and I respond. She doesn't seem right. I walk into the bathroom and close the door. I go to rinse the dish and realize the sink is full of water and a wash cloth. Strange. Then I notice the shower is on and the shower doors are open. Now this is very weird and I wonder what the hell Rachell was up to. I shut the shower off and begin to rinse myself off in the sink. Suddenly, I feel a firm grasping hand on my shoulder. I quickly turn around and realize no one is there. At this point I'm seeing myself in third person, turning around to search the bathroom for an answer. I come back into my body, still turning, and halfway around see the door is now open. Now, it opens inwards, so I don't know how it happened. I didn't hear it, see it, or feel it, but it's open now. And I see someone is standing there. I size them up, slowly looking at their body, then up to the shoulders, and then face. They have a light gray skin, and is about a foot taller than me. I get to the face and at first it reminds me of an old friend of mine from Jr. High, Mark. Then, I notice the eyes. They are completely black and almond shaped. As I realize I'm looking in the face of something not human at all I begin screaming as loudly as I can. The notion that this is a dream starts to set in a bit as it's very difficult to scream. The next thing I know, Rachell is in my doorway asking if I'm ok. My heart is RACING and about to leap out of my chest. I feel like I've seen a ghost and I may as well have. Apparently, I did manage to scream, right when Rachell was walking down the hall, so she had to check on me. Soon after getting out of bed, I stood in the bathroom doorway, right where that... thing (alien?) was. It felt cold, and there was a slight crackle in the air. Not a good feeling. Like a powerfully negative electro-magnet was focused on that one area. I don't know how else to describe it. But I stood in it for almost a full minute when I realized Rachell was probably wondering what the hell I was doing.
After this, we talked and went outside for a cigarette. I told her I was still shaken up by my dream, and we start to talk about how we sometimes see my old cat Jinx walking around outside. We even hear him meow sometimes. And we both comment on the strange recent phenomenon of hearing each other call out while the other is sleeping. I've heard Rachell whisper in my ears several times while she's been asleep. Apparently the same has happened to her. I tell her that about a week ago I saw a man walking through our porch out of the corner of my eye, turned and he was gone. Right then we hear a banging sound. Which we've been trying to find an explanation for and recently figured it was this tin can of paint thinner on the shelf... though no real good reason for it to randomly bang. Once we're both quiet again, we now hear a more hollow and deep banging sound, coming from behind Rachell. It sounded like someone was inside the big wooden...chest thing in our back yard and was pounding on it. Neither of us had an explanation for that, and soon went inside with haste, locking the doors behind us.
God what a creepy morning it's been!