Tanaka Koki interview translation - Wink Up February 2010

Oct 15, 2010 21:20

The first time you ___ alone

"Karaoke Alone" Well I had exactly an hour to wait before I met with a friend, and right infront of me was a karaoke place..."One hour, kararoke is by the hour, isn't it?"I thought, then I went in and drank, watched other artists PV's, and listened to music, but I didn't sing. Even though I was in a one person booth, I wasn't really lonely or anything. Rather, I was really chilled out (lol). Going to karaoke alone, you only do it when you're in a bad situation or can do nothing else with your time, that's what I thought but... Just this year alone I have done it 2 or 3 times (lol). Once you have been and done it, you get over the embarassment, ya know.

Your first reward to yourself

I buy thing like rewards for myself, but I don't remember what the first one would have been. As in like everytime I buy expensive things, I use the excuse "Yeah! I did XXX I'm gonna buy myself a reward!" (lol). Then I end up thinking "Dude how many times are you gonna buy yourself presents in one year?!" (lol). Even when I bought my car, that was a reward for myself. Presents are something you give, right, but I like getting stuff too - it's fun buying rewards for yourself.

Your first fight

When I was in preschool there was this kid like Gian, and he used to chase me every day. He was Gian, and I was like Nobita[from doraemon]. I would always cry and run away, but one day, I wanted to kill him, and I got one punch in. As soon as I had done that, I checked the damage to my own fist and it was worse than him, so I cried anyway (lol). Our relationship didn't really change after that, but he got scared that I hit him. There are times when Juri* tries to pick a fight with me but I just continue on saying "Uh huh, yeah yeah". The age difference is too big, so if it ever turned into a real fight there'd be trouble.

Your first tears of happiness, first man-tears

For my birthday 2 years ago, one of my best mates made a song for me. I listened to it in my house alone, but at that moment I cried from happiness. I don't really like crying hey, especially infront of people. Since becoming an adult I don't really cry all that much, but even now I cry when I'm happy or out of regret.

At the moment/recently

Recently, I've started cooking. The reason is because it's cheaper. I also have my friends come hang out at my place a lot but it ends up being a lot of "Going out for dinner is a pain in the ass, let's just make something". I boil rice, and then I make whatever I have in the house that looks like it would go good with rice**. I don't look at recipes and think 'hmm I'll make this', I just make it my own way. Recently I made chogi salad***, with sesame oil and salt and chicken bones [for soup stock] I made everything including the dressing. Oh and it's not cooking, but spam onigiri is great****, you know. No matter who I get to eat it, they always tell me it's awesome.


*Juri is Koki's younger brother and a Johnny's junior member. Just incase you didn't know. Cause to be honest this was news to me.

** Culinary expert right here...I always said I wanted to marry a chef. >.>;

*** Not sure if that is how you would say it in English, noooo clue. Anyway, it's a salad with green bits and dressing who cares about the details.

**** Are you fucking KIDDING ME? SPAM?! THE WEDDING IS OFF! God, why do Japanese people think Spam is a suitable source of nourishment? It's only on T-shirts cause it's a big fucking JOKE, ok?! Not because anyone actually likes it, you people have it all wrong!

thanks to

ajdfg.hajeht;lkand/fglkadfhg. SPAM.

BTW, Kame was apparently in AnAn that went on sale on the 13th - has anyone seen any scans?

Really busy these next few weeks with uni - it's exam/assignment time...just a bit longer and then I'm freeee! But my point is, I'll be a bit quiet on the journal front here.

Others: Kamenashi Kazuya, Nakamaru Yuichi, Ueda Tatsuya

[mag] wink up feb 2010, tanaka koki, interview translation

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