Got candy in my heels tonight baby

Nov 24, 2010 21:02

Not really much has been going down these last few days - nothing (aside from Ryo gossip) I feel like posting about properly anyways, but here's some stuff to let you know I'm alive.

1) There has been a rumour about some printing company that has something to do with the Jimusho being accused of tax evasion. Like a sub-company owned by the agency maybe, anyway who cares what's important is that I get to stand up on a soapbox and scream 'YOU BASTARDS! THINK OF THE CHILDREN - BUT NOT LIKE THAT.' Tax evasion rumours are a good change from molestation rumours.

2) Ohno is being hailed as the 'King of Photo Scandals'. That is all.

3) Ryo *squishies his cheeks* has been busted in a cheap & nasty brothel-like establishment. You can read about this at uwasako's journal. What the hell, Ryo is like the unsung hero around here! Ohno is King of Photo Scandals, and Nino is King of Arama (mmm I do love the Nino scandals). Well then what does that make Ryo? Who has a title for him? XD

4) Yamapi wants to be an awesome pro dancer with freakin' sweet moves to get the ladies, but says that the other members of NEWS restrict him. Ohhh could this be another round of 'THE BLAME GAME'?! Jiiiiiin~... and OH MY GOD! Freakin' sweet moves.... dead fish eyes... the fashion sense.... Are you thinking what I'm thinking? NAPOLEON DYNAMITE WAS BASED ON YAMAPI.

That is such a Johnny's dance.

The fans are all like clutching their broken hearts n stuff, saying he should be more careful of how he words things otherwise people are going to think he's going to pull an Akanishi stunt. Please do, oh god how great would it be if he ran off to America to be with Jin?! I'd be able to just change the names and submit my gossip posts to be published by Mills and Boon. *Dreamy sigh*.

source is here

On a personal note I'm working 2 jobs for a while since I decided to up and head back to Tokyo for Christmas and New Years when I had no money, so I still haven't finished Jin and Junno's Wink Up 'firsts' translations... -_- but once I have them done, any ideas for the next translation project? Any interviews you're hanging out to read? I'll do anything KT, Jin, Arashi (it's all thanks to that sparkly tux and the scandals, but I'm falling for them) aaaaand of course Ryo, Yokoyama Yu, & Pi.

I'm getting really excited about Christmas - I just love getting things in the post that aren't phonebills, don't you? Even though I see her nearly every day now, I might post Seiyoku a Christmas card for fun XD

yamashita tomohisa, the jimusho, blame jin, nishikido ryo, gossip

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