Ok, I think this is the last of the purge.

Sep 25, 2006 12:17

I'm slightly less angry today. Still a little confused, but I guess I get to stay that way. I've been doing a lot of thinking over the past few days about what happened and why, since it's in my nature to dissect things within an inch of insanity. Jason was telling me about how he treated people when he was a teenager. His insecurity led him to divide his friends up. He said that he could only have one good friend at a time, just to make sure they weren't getting together and talking about him. That makes sense. Although, I guess it backfired, because I'm talking.

I invited her into my house, into my life, into my family. She spent holidays here, ate with my family like she was one of us and we welcomed her that way. She used to spend holidays at another friend's house, then she stopped. She'd tell stories about this other friend, while she sat at our table. I'm not talking about gossip, well all do that, even about people we love. I'm talking about trying to ruin somebody. Stories about how she was practically being blackmailed, about how the food was terrible, about how her family was terrible. We started to believe these things. I mean, when you're told something so often, and are turned off to that person by the words of another, it's easy to start believing. Oh, and there was that story about how Tina broke her pop-up. I asked Tina about that, she had no idea what I was talking about. Pop-ups, lanterns, it's all the same.
Thinking back, I feel horrible. I was probably not as nice to some of these people because of the things she told me about them. I'm going to make amends for that. I'm going to be the person I should be, without her influence. God, I was such a tool. I can only imagine what she's saying about me now. I bet I can pinpoint when it started, too. Somewhere around June. That's when everything shifted. That's when New Orleans and someone else became her number one priority. Hey, number one, how long until she turns on you? Ask yourself why no one stays close to her. Could they ALL have hurt her as bad as she says? Can anyone really be that much of a victim? Especially someone who claims to be as tough as she does.

My best friend has been with me for 11 years. We have our ups and downs, we've had some nasty fights, we've screamed, yelled, argued, I've hung up on her way more than once. Hell, one time she even hit me in the head. But we're still friends. I could have misplaced a lantern of hers and we'd still be friends. I could have misplaced ALL her lanterns and we'd still be friends.

Anger point number two, and something I want to get to the bottom of. I was told, in my previous post, that there were two people that claimed I stole things. There was one other person with her when she showed up here Friday. Hey, friend, what in the mother fuck? Ok, I'm going to assume what happened. Kathleen called Lisa and said "Oh yeah, my stuff is all ruined and missing, Raven was there, he can tell you" I've had her do that to me. Of course, you're not going to go ask the person, so you just get it in your head that you have two credible witnesses. Hell, I've been used as that witness. I smiled and nodded. I should have called her out on her BS then. I wonder how many people she's screwed with in the last few years. Ask yourself how many times you've smiled and nodded, hell, I've seen some of you do it.

This is public, not because I want to drag everyone back to high school, but because I'm on damage control right now. Someone decided that she wanted to ruin my reputation with everyone. I will remain an open book on this issue, since it was publicly brought to me and dropped on my head. Anytime someone wants to argue something I have to say, you're more than welcome to. Just be sure you know what you're talking about. Hearsay isn't a valid point. And if you do have a negative opinion about me, you need to ask yourself why. Is is due to me, or due to the things someone said about me. A little bit of truth doesn't validate the hidden lie. Reality isn't truth flavored. Think for yourself. Don't be a tool.

You want to argue this personally? My email is mysterychicken at chartermi dot net. Hell, email me if you want my phone number, we can chat.

Yeah, that'll do it for now. =)

Oh, p.s. If you feel that the "understood you" isn't aimed at you in particular, it probably isn't. =)

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