Jun 30, 2010 13:00
I haven't posted in forever and ever and ever.
Then again, neither have YOU, so I guess we can call it even :)
Next Friday is my 2 year anniversary.
Isn't that crazy? I remember just last year re-posting the post from when we had our first date.
I like that I have a record of the beginning of our relationship. I'm sad my record keeping abilities have fallen by the wayside as I got less interesting, what with the lack of terrible dates to report on.
He is taking me away for the weekend. It is a surprise, so as to releive all of the stress I usually feel when I have to plan a big occasion. The fact that he is doing it purely to relieve my ridiculous stress might just be the most romantic thing ever. Hell, we could go to a Motel 6 in NJ and I would think it was romantic, just cuz I didn't have to plan it!
And that is it for me.
What's up with you?