So my boss FINALLY hired some new people. As of next week I'll be back working five days a week and I'll have a lunch hour again! Yahoo!
So hopefully I'll finally get some writing done. I've been really highly strung for the past few weeks and I couldn't write a thing. I would just stare at the computer screen and that would stress me out more. Phew.
Finally saw the new episode of Avatar. I'm not really sure what I think of it. I think I'll have to watch it again before I really digest it properly.
My first impressions are that it was a major set up for the rest of the season. Lots of things were set in motion but nothing really happened, if that makes sense. I'm bloody ticked off that I have no access to the bloody comic because the whole Mai/Zuko scene had me well confused.
But so far...
Injured!Aang. He was so cute!
Sokka in the Fire Nation clothing.
Zuko's make over. The new amour is very fancy.
Sokka made an invasion plan. Very impressive. "The whole world thinks you're dead! Isn't that GREAT?!" XD
Toph's awesome metal bending.
Zuko with the turtle ducks. (turtle ducks have good memories o_0 )
"The universe just loves proving me wrong, doesn't it?" "You make it too easy." XD
Aangst. Poor little puppy. :( The whole honour Zuko/Aang parallel was funny though. I probably shouldn't have laughed there... I'm sure there were going for a deeper emotion. :P
Ang windsurfing. :)
Zuko killing Aang twist. I did not see that coming. Avatar really keeps me on my toes that way.
Creepy Cruel Intention-est Zuko/Azula interaction. Lol! is messed up Azula's room is surprisingly small and boring.
Mai/Zuko... I haven't seen the comic so this made me o_0 face.
Katara PMSing. Yeah, I can understand where she's coming from... kinda, still though... I rolled me eyes a lot at her.
Ozai is totally normal looking. That was a whole lot of nothing. I was all like OMG, WHAT'S HE LOOK LIKE, WHAT"S UP WITH HIS FA- o_0 oh
Weird dialogue, '-and every night when I went to sleep, I would like awake-" Em, what?
Random Yue cameo. Eh, huh? I like Yue, but still, huh?
The geologist in me did have a minor fit when they were walking around on Roku's island. Basalt is blood hot lava, you don't walk on it... but then it's a show about people controlling the elements so I shouldn't really be a scientist nitpicker.
So, looking over those lists, I guess I like more than I disliked but I still felt under-whelmed. I'm really looking forward to the next episode though, because I imagine things will flow better and the story will really get going.
But yay, Avatar's back! w00t!